You might regret selling now if it hits Cryptsy today, tomorrow, or whenever "soon".
or people involved with Cryptsy team are waiting to drop to bottom which with this speed will be under 100 satoshi....after it hits bottom they buy cheap, then they put EAC with glory on cryptsy and sell with profit
I'm not saying cryptsy is behind this, but I'm sure someone is influencing this coin's value.
It's crystal clear someone, or some group of people (maybe the Chinese :-) ) are doing everything in their power to buy in as cheap as possible...
It might go lower than this, but believe me, it will go up again!
I only hope it's not going to be pump and dump, but that the "new investors" are in for the long term.
In the last 24h EAC had a +15,000$ trading volume, that means that more than 7,500,000 EAC found a new owner!
I don't understand the fact that people are panic dumping, this is a great opportunity to buy more!
Even if you are a miner, and you say you have to pay for elektricity,... ofcourse it's not free, but if I was a miner, I would sell constantly, but only the coins to cover my electricity costs, and keep the rest.
Anyway, I agree, things look bad if you are in for the short term only.
But every long term invester should see through this manipulation...
If I had a lot of BTC I would consider buying more, but I have already used my last BTC to buy EAC at a considerably higher price...
This is not to be compared with other investments since there is no way of telling how long EAC will be around (and there is no other value added, nothing is produced, there is no profit from the "shares" other than more coins/"shares"), if it does not seem pay off, it most likely won't, but I am a bit of gambler, so I am still here.
Long term... A lot needs to happen and I would be glad to add to that effort, but it won't be by mining or investing more money at this point.