Please excuse my ignorance, but how this could be..?!
OP stated: starting on Jan 5, mining phase duration ~15 days. Jan 5 + 15 gives "Jan 20", not "Jan 14", so how the PoW could be over?
Alternatively: OP states:
POW COINS: 10,445,500
FAIR LAUNCH: 0 Block Reward after 1st Block - to 201 blocks | 60 Block Reward from 202 - to 2202 | and then Normal Block Reward
BLOCK REWARD: 205 My calculations show that last block would be around
52,570. The calculation based on this: (10,445,500 - 60*(2,202-202) ) / 205 + 2,202. The current block is just
24,368. So hos the mining phase could be over?
Is there any error in these calculations?
Am asking mostly to make this clear to myself, as I am confused by this unexpected termination of mining...
your going by time, the code goes by the blocks
int64_t nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
if (pindexBest->nHeight == 1)
nSubsidy = 6000000 * COIN; // 60% of the 10 millions on 1st Block as stated (Premine as stated for block 1)
return nSubsidy + nFees;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 201) (Anti instamine 200 blocks no reward)
nSubsidy = 0 * COIN; // ~3 hours mining
return nSubsidy + nFees;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 2202) (allow difficulty to settle, anti instamine 2000 blocks)
nSubsidy = 60 * COIN; // ~1 day and few hours mining
return nSubsidy + nFees;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 23303) (21000 blocks at 205 coins)
nSubsidy = 205 * COIN; // ~14 days and few hours mining period
return nSubsidy + nFees;
nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
return nSubsidy + nFees;
so because high hash hit this it moved quicker than expected, or the diff retarget was not perfect. either way the coin code goes by blocks and attempts to guess how long that will take, not by time
High hash cannot make this move faster, if the difficulty retargeting is implemented correctly. When the hasrate increases, the difficulty increases accordingly, so correct implementation has to ensure the blocks are generated evenly, according to time schedule (BLOCK TIME: 1 minute, as its written in OP)...
Thanks for posting the source code. Its pretty strange to see this "~14 days and few hours mining period" sentence repeated here, and at the same time the max PoW block is set to 23,303. This does not correspond to each other. However the "14 days" thing is just a comment, while the block 23,303 is coded, so it worked as coded.
This just brings to the conclusion, that the Dev's did not realize the timing correctly, and the OP is messed up (both the source code and the OP contradict to themselves).
EDIT: looking more carefully into the OP, I noticed see one more contradiction, which explains the early termination of mining:
"-Miners: 40% of the 10 millions + the 445,500"!! So miners get just 40% of PoW coins, while the rest is taken by some investors: "
XDE ICO INVETORS AND OTHERS: 60% of the 10 millions". So why then those 10,445,500 coins are called "PoW coins", if the 60% of them is going not to miners, but to someone else..? Strange... Either OP is messed up, or there are language issues... English is not my primary language, but I am not sure that is the only reason of the mess I see...