Because there has been a 20% arbitrage opportunity for over 1 week on novaexchange, I descided to send them an e-mail today:
Dear Novaexchange,
First of all, let me congratulate you with the change of your management team and owner(s). Althought it took some time and momentum was a bit harsh on you, because of being down at the ATH, I have good hopes your platform will grow. Let me phrase it different, I trust you.
So with that out of the way, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Yoshi Livo and I am somewhat connected with cryptocoin EFL. I say somewhat, because I'm not responsible for the technical development of the coin, but some people call me king of EFL, basically I just own a lot of them and because crypto have made it possible for me to not work for a salary, I spend some of my time in communicating for this cryptocoin. My last public performance can be found here: is a Dutch documentary about 6 people that dedicated their lives to crypto and I was one of them.
I want to talk about one of your news mesages in your newsboard. More specific the one from 28 may 16:54
I would like to see EFL make it on your platform, because you are the only trading engine that have a ETH/EFL market, also, in general it is not bad to have an extra exchange, even if the volume is low I would like to be able to keep it, or atleast send a message to try and achieve that.
After your message about spread, I put in some orders, currently I believe there is a 30% arbitrage opportunity and it basically shows that nobody on your website besides me holds some EFL. Also , the fact that you cannot register as a new customer on your webpage doesn't benefit the action.
The coin EFL is a countrycoin. Problem for us, is that we are not so loved by the crypto community. The reason for this is our start, where an anonymous dev didn't keep his promise to the community, after which trust ran away. There is another Dutch coin, also traded on your webpage with ticker NLG, that is the coin most people ran to about 4 years ago. This is a completely different project with a lot different vision then mine. You see, I try to emphasise the political aspect of the coin. I believe current democracy is a farce and the only way to influence the world is by voting with your wallet. Unfortunately, so far not many people understand this concept, let alone that I can find people who share my vision. I've travelled to many places in the past 4 years and shaken many hands, but this project is going to be much more of a long term one then I thought beforehand. Don't get me wrong, I believe EFL is quite a success. The foundation behind the coin is attracting quite some people, I believe we currently have over 1000 EFL fullnodes active, that is quite an achievement, but our designated community simply does not understand what it is we are proposing.
Since a month or so Dutch and Belgian people have the opportunity to buy EFL with their debit card, the amount of money circulating in those countries is astonishing. This new year for example 80 million euro was spend on fireworks in the Netherlands alone, but our national cryptocoin's marketcap is below 2 million today, I go crazy over those numbers sometimes, but hey, what can you do? Exactly, just keep on working and proving that EFL is a coin that can be trusted. Our development team consists out of 2 people who have stated more then once that they are in this for the long run. Last year our coin suffered from a double spend attack on Bittrex (like many others) they build a special OERUshield for our coin to make sure such things won't happen again, but that was the only change we made in our protocol since the start and in my hopes it will be the last.
You see, EFL is not ment to be the most sophisticated technical invention, for us it is communication that counts. That's why we publish a newsletter to over 5000 subscribers in which we explain what is happening in the cryptosphere in Dutch. Blockchain itself is already a great invention which is very complicated for the average human being. Also take into account the demographics of the Netherland, over 50% of people is 40+ and their perception of the world is largely based on what MSM is presenting them. In their livetimes there has been a lot of improvement to their welbeing, for these people it is very hard to perceive that their energy is largely being stolen by inflation and taxation and that they co-operate in the largest theft mankind has seen so far.
I can talk on for hours about this subject, but I will save you the trouble of reading my endless epistles, all I ask from you is the following: don't delist EFL. We are currently in the proces of not only buying (like is offering today) but also selling EFL directly to your bankaccount with a billing service. I do not believe in such action, for me it is about getting out of that FIAT system and I believe we need to build a community first and then shops will follow by themselves, as soon as they recognise they can make money by accepting our community as customers, but there has been a lot of demand for such a service and who is currently accepting EFL for fiat conversion througout the eurozone simply was not good enough for them.
Altogether I want to conclude to you that our community is small, and doesn't trade daily. EFL is waiting for 1 moment where our price will go over 1 euro and wake up the sleeping mass, I hope you can be patient with us and wait for that moment to happen, I'm sure that the effort of a dedicated team will make it work in the future.
Thanks for your time, I hope to hear back from you one day.
Yoshi Livo