Hi everyone,
Because I am out of town for some personal matters, tomorrow's hangout is cancelled. I might try have a hangout on Sunday, depending on when I return. I would of course announce that as soon as possible.
Have an awesome weekend!
take care mate ...
hope its all good ...
Thanks for the concern, mate! All is good, yes. The hangouts in the smack on the middle of the day (1 in the afternoon, EST) on Saturday are hard for me to squeeze in sometimes. Rarely it is impossible but, I am happy to make every effort if more people can attend. This time was selected to allow the best possible balance we could come up with across all time zones for the people that wanted to participate.
I was hoping I would be able to reschedule it to Sunday but, I needed to catch up on all the day-to-day operations. So the next meeting will be the 21st @ 17:00 GMT, given no other conflict arises.
With any luck, the next EverGreenCoin Community Meeting and Hangout will be officially a Board Meeting of The EverGreenCoin Foundation! I should be getting a response as soon as this week. I have already been advised that I will be asked additional questions because of the word "Coin" in the title. No worries. I have the appropriate, honest, and legally sound answers waiting on deck should they be asked of me. Basically, it boils down to "EverGreenCoin" is not "The EverGreenCoin Foundation" and vice versa.
On that note, The EverGreenCoin Foundation being not for profit certainly does not mean EverGreenCoin trading is not. That confusion has already surfaced on social media outlets. I hope I have squashed that confusion quickly.
Please do not misinterpret the formation of the legal entity as a way to silence any community members regardless of borders or anything else. On the contrary! If you are reading this, you will have a voice as a board member. You only need to exercise it properly (professional, courteous and considerate of all factors). This is akin to an "Elks Lodge" (lawyers wording, not mine) but with no membership fees. There is a clause of "at the Board of Directors discretion", but that is only reserved for bizarre situations.
In lieu of the meeting, a brief summary of current events:- Price: As I am sure you know, Bitcoin has been soaring to new heights. The forthcoming forks of Bitcoin are probably impacting all altcoins to some degree, just like it did for Bitcoin cash. We are still hovering about 20 cents USD. To put it in the words of a telegram user recently, "EGC is still solid in the Storm" and I am happy for that and the communities awareness that it is a bit of a storm currently.
- Development: I have successfully modified the EverGreenCoin code to work with SSL v1.1. I am very proud to say we will be one of the few coins that will have SSL v1.1 and this keeps us abreast with industry standard or what soon will be industry standard version of SSL. This will be added into EverGreenCoin v1.7 along with the Qt improvements to the dynamic staking for charity information and improvements needed for the solar staker made by drofxafm.
- Development: The EverGreenCoin Qt for Android full-featured wallet will also be updated to v1.7 when it is ready. I do aim to have v1.7 released this month of October. That said, please understand this is an unpredictable time of year for myself. But the funds are reserved to pay MystPhysX for the update which will be updated in the Play Store also.
- Development: I have not lost sight of the non-staking Android wallet. We are working with a different Android developer to re-evaluate our options. Pro: No downloading of the blockchain. Con: No staking nor staking for charity.
- Business: Bow and I are readying to make a large investment into IEO on behalf of the EGC Foundation. This will buy founding shares of IEO and help IEO get their project off the ground by funding equipment for their first paying customer. The EGC Foundation will own these and any profits in the future will be the EGC Foundation's. It admittedly is a long-term investment that might have high risk. If you are in a position to contribute to this, and therefor IEO's ambitions, please consider donating via this crowdfund:
https://evergreencoin.org/product/ieo-founding-shares-investment/- Business: Christophe and I our progressing with the Solid Rain agreement. Solid Rain, like many businesses, does need the EGC Foundation to have a registered business number to proceed. Christophe and I are also working on cooperation with the Great Green Wall of Africa. Christophe is very passionate about his environmental work and will be bringing great things to the table for EGC. It is a pleasure to be working with him and all other like-minded philanthropist. We should all take great pride in the direction our humble project is going.
I do apologize for having to cancel Saturday's meeting and for not being able to reschedule it on Sunday. I had been warning the past few meetings because I knew this was coming. I do hope the community understands. I am always willing to talk to any community member. If you should ever want to talk to me privately, I welcome that and usually can conform to your schedule. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a great week everyone! To the treetop!