I added evergreen.conf and it is now beginning to download the blocks but it got stuck on the remaining block 5121 sometimes it reduced to 2092 blocks and back again to 5121 blocks over and over again.
if you have the latest wallet - the official seednodes are hardcoded into the wallet ...
the seednodes are all on the right chain - and have been servicing the network 'flat out' - and im still watching the seeds answering sync requests as i type this ...
if there are ANY nodes you need to add to the .conf file - make sure they are the official nodes ... as they are ALL on the right chain currently ...
the bootstrap does take a lot of time - and it is sometimes ( depending on how fast your internet connection maybe ) quicker or easier to just start the sync via the internet - and let it sync that way ...
if the wallet is getting stuck - make sure you are on the right chain by comparing the hash on the blocks that get posted here on occasion ...
a HUGE amount of work has been going on behind the scenes to get this all functioning again - and resyncing on the right chain will save everyone a great deal of time ...
the latest block on the seeds at the time of writing this post is below - with the hash below it ... compare it to that hash - and if its the saem - then you shouldnt be worried ... if its not the same hash on that block - then you are on the wrong chain and need to resync ...
evergreencoind getblockhash 422052
I was on the wrong fork too... everything seemed fine, syncing, staking and everyting. Until i checked your blockheight...
So my error was a manual ADDNODE
Renamed peers.dat .. removed ALL ADDNODES from conf.
Restarted... now its synching fine.
I've probably lost all the staking for a cpl of days... but thats my fault imo.
I noticed when there was a problem, and i didnt not check well enough that i was on the right fork.
In addition its my fault to have used manual addnodes, and not stick with the hardcoded.
My view on lost mining/staking.First, i see it as my responsibility to be with the right gear, software and settings and on the right blockchain.
Also mining needs to be
monitored for problems and other occurances.
If you see ANY kind of problems with the blockchain, immediately STOP or slow way down.
Staking is supposed to be seen in a bigger and longer perspective.. and day or two off lost stake time should not be a problem for coins staked annualy.
What you should NEVER do:
*Rent more hash or gear to go on when there possible is a problem brewing.
*Start moving coins around from wallets, pools or exchanges.
*Fall in the traps of an exchange beeing out of sync.. by move coins to earn money on wrongly priced coins on a bad fork.
If you do any of those things.. I would not be surprised if you get some kind of problems or loss of coins.
Now. seeing my wallet beeing on the wrong chain and having problems with sync.. im deleting everything(really meaning making an "error" folder and moving everything in there) but WALLET.DAT , the exe file, the dll file and my conf.
Downloaded the bootstrap .. will report back how it went.