Can somebody explain me how the weight for staking is calculated and why my Coins always split in smaller group of coins instead of staying one big transaction. When my Coins split my weight is going down like hell and taking really long then to receive a reward from staking and its really low amount then. First I got a staking reward of 5 egc and after 3 days its 0.5 egc and taking more time. I would understand if I would get smaller amounts but more often but its not that way.
Sorry for my bad english guys
No need to apologize for your English, you explained your question well.
Weight is used to calculate the frequency of 'installments' towards your 7% annual. Much of this math during the time of an installment comes from a snapshot of your own wallet versus the rest of the network and relies on all things staying constant. Obviously nothing will stay constant. Even if you did not send or receive any coins, your weight is growing by day and the network for which your weight is measured against is
forever changing. For these mentioned reasons and more, accurately anticipating anything about your installment size or frequency is not possible. To many variables, most of which you have no control over, come into play. Yes, if you have not staked recently for reasons of an offline wallet or otherwise, you installment will reflect that and you could assume a larger installment IF the network had not changed its weight. Even if the rest of the network also did not send or receive, destroying the transferred coin's acquired coin age, you could not project the new coins that come of minimum coin age (24 hours + maturity or full confirmation) nor could you project the other wallet's staking. Also other wallets coming online and going offline effects this, another variable that you can not accurately project.
Splitting is an internal function of the staking process for which you have no control. Transaction blocks are split by the staking process. But block size is a far less of one of the many effecting variable. The biggest factor you have control over is the coin age. Coin age is calculated in days. Any time you move coins you reset the coin age. Bear in mind that the rest of the network's holdings are calculated in days also and you have zero idea of when the other coin's 'day timer' started. For this reason, leaving coins alone and allowing them to gain more age is often times the best way to increase your staking installment, both frequency and size. If for example you spent a day buying EGC in relatively small amounts across many markets and made many transactions into your wallet, this might be on of the rare exceptions where transferring these coins into one larger transaction block would be beneficial in regards to the frequency you will receive installments in the future. But, the advantage of doing this quickly fades as you would be trading off the more important coin age for the less important transaction block size.
EverGreenCoin is built upon the technology of time-proven accurately 'interest-bearing' PoS crypto currencies. When developing EverGreenCoin, I did pay much attention and do much research into these coin's code. Both flaws and later developed counter measures of code improvement. I did implement all of the improvements previously found by pioneers of PoS that made those currencies pay it's promised percentage from staking more accurately over time. Rest assured, your EverGreenCoin staking will pay you 7% annual. But know that that 7% is very much a 'rolling calculation' that makes many estimations for which few can be estimated with precision. Your Pos reward does compensate for the previous errors in these estimations to ensure, your PoS reward will always be, 7% annual.
Thank you for your question, Abyaby. I hope I have answered it completely for you.