At the moment EGC is just an altcoin like the rest for me, but what it makes it stand apart from the others is the transparant way of dealing with the community.
I feel that the dev's aim is sincere and that the goals set, are not ment as false promises to attract people to scam them all over.
I'm looking forward to the development of a solar miner, as I'm attracted to the idea of being able to mine without the electricity costs that normally go with that.
The gigantic amount of electricity that nowadays is being used for mining bitcoin alone, is a thing that Satoshi Nakamoto and early bitcoin adopters have never forseen.
Until that day I'll be staking EGC with the use of a 10 Watt consuming Windows 10 device and if things turn out like I've planned, I'll be staking just by the use of solar power in a few weeks.
Keep up the good work and I'll be an evergreenie for a long long time.
Thank you very much for the kind words Gizfreak!
Yes, the amount of electricity being consumed, largely produced by burning finite resources, puts us on a certain and unfortunate track. No one can argue that is not true, even if one chooses to deny the impact of greenhouse gasses. The fact that fossil fuels are limited alone demands us to seek better ways to both supply and conservatively use electricity. Not to mention all the terrible side effects.
The impact of sometimes flat-out wasteful uses of electricity stretches beyond the miner's budget. The more electricity is demanded, the more they can charge for it. I do feel this has detrimental effects on everyone. People that have nothing to do with mining and only want to power their refrigerator must pay more and more for that electricity. That electricity price is expected to quadruple in coming years. According to some people I personally know in the electrical power distribution industry, the number of those years is few.
As we demand more and more electricity, producers of the electricity also cut more and more corners. Fukushima.
Our environment containing our food, water, and air, and also our financial futures demand us to think wisely now while we still have time to alter our course.
I would like to add to this that many of our politicians and governments are responsible for a lot of this. I know here in the states, we are responsible for the politicizations we put in place. True, the system is rigged but, not to the point the establishment can not be toppled.
It is no secret fossil fuel companies are a very large lobbyists in America. Giving politicians enormous bribes to keep us dependent on fossil fuels, down play the environmental affects, and "drag their feet" on renewable energy infrastructures. Sure, the do a half hearted attempt to make it look like they are helping to move renewable energy forward with puny tax breaks but, that is just for show and to get votes. Here in the states we could be producing 50% or more of our consumption if we would vote in politicians that would do so. Think of all the jobs that could be created in doing so also. But getting out of bed with the oil companies would lose the "campaign donation" and the 1/4 million dollar "speaking fees" that some politicizations have grown addicted to. Until we elect public servants that realize and respect the people are the bosses and not some middle east oil tycoon, politicians will be serving oil companies best interest. Not ours nor our environments.
I will not tell you who you should vote for but, I do ask, please consider the environment and who the candidates are actually servants for when making your decision.
Please vote. If you are not doing politics, politics are doing you.