I like to think we run a clean operation here, the price jump and sudden interest are very welcome, we have tried to make this work for 18 months now after original team split. Until today, we bought EMC2 and tried to recruit devs with own funds.
Today .... we have almost 4 BTC in Foundation funds from sales over 500 satoshi. *** FOUNDATION MONEY to be used for EMC2 stuff with full disclosure of spending ***
I thank everyone who supported us over the years and those who played markets this week. After 18 months, I can honestly and openly say, we actually sold some coins and are slightly shocked and very grateful.
Was a struggle to raise funds on wages, struggle to find developers who won't just run off ... you know who you are .. Now we move forward.
What will the 4 btc be used for? Is it going to be used for donations?
So what will that $2400 fund first?
- Design revamp.
- New website.
- Android wallet. Heck will redo Windows one and OSX too with new gfx.
- Crowdfunding site for science. Something like what PICISI.com was supposed to be.
Also, it's not just $2400 .. that is just EMC2 foundation funds for the works. In Serbia, this is more than enough money to do the work needed, in the West it would buy me a meeting with a proper developer, in the East ... enough for the work and a nice dinner for the dev team after
I'm not sure how I could have missed that. Thanks for requoting.