I will speak open words to you guys :-)
Its a simple fact that we need to hit bigger exchanges - True. BUT - We need to grow our community to back the Idea of this coin! This is a amazing, gentle and positive community. Besides of that the devs are working like crazy on new stuff for the coin to make it - besides of that genius funding idea - special to attract miners who arent attracted right now.
As i spoke to Bobsurplus per Skype he mentioned that its an absolutely new experience to have no scammers, fakespams, unfriendly people on a thread spreading FUD. This is just awesome!
We have to spread the word about the idea, the coin and everything else to everyone! We cant do this with a team of 8 ppl alone- We need you as a community as we are just the guys trying to organize everything around - Building and growing a community is up to .. hehe.. the community :-). Tell everyone you know about the coin and the idea .. when i read earlier in the post that someone mentioned the idea of that coin in a job interview i had to stop myself to applause to that guy (i donated some emc2s instead :p). This is stuff you do to help the community and - Thats the end of the story: To be listed on a big exchange.
Look at this coin and the development of itself in the last 10 Days.... Lean back and really try to see the development of this coin in relation to every other coin out there. This is just f*** amazing!
HELP to build the community whos backing the idea !
Theres this Thunderclap thing you could use to help .. its currently at 50% bring it to 100!
https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/9608-einsteinium-currency-scienceTheres our Twitter-Tipper ->
https://twitter.com/emc2tip( check
http://einsteinium.org/now-what/ )
Theres our Reddit reddit.com/r/einsteinium
Speak to every friend you have crypto or non crypto-related - It doesnt matter - Try to explain them the IDEA of all of this, give them a crashcourse about bitcoin, cryptocurrency in general and whats this all about and then tell them what doge did with that donation to the Bobsledge Team and get a relation to the EMC2 Mission - We are funding science and technologies elected by the community.
if you want to - Start your own campaign to attract people to this idea. Its not longer all about a simple coin or a cryptocurrency - Its about "Funding the future..."
if you have any idea about how to get people involved by doing some marketing: LET US KNOW or DO IT we will support you in any way!
We are currently mailing sooooo many people of Websites, Newspapers, Magazines, Investors .. i hope we dont get banned as spammers! But all of this needs to mature a bit.
Please just act as a community.. get out there and tell everyone about this coin and the meaning behind.
That would be lovely.
That we need to get listed on [insert big exchange here] and have to hit the value of [inser satoshi here] is obvious but it wont come out of nothing or just for saying it. All of us have to do something to make this coin and the idea of the foundation successful.