A small advice to the officials developers of the etz project: you can also make great efforts from the point of view of software development, but if you continue to neglect the informative part, not keeping your official website updated and allowing this kind of deception to happen under your nose, it is obvious that the project will die soon.
You see scam everywhere. I earned on this fork and shared my experience. There are no places where you can trade ETZ. You can only trade futures on Yobit.
I did not expect such negative answers. Probably, you suffered from your trades or investments but you have no right to abuse other forum members.
ETZ is now traded on https://www.shuzibi.com/trade/ETH/ETZ..
also some etz fans are creating an exchange which will trade ETH/ETZ pair.. we have tested and it works well so far..
will soon be out..
ETZ on Yobit is only future, but you can now trade ETZ on https://www.shuzibi.com/trade/ETH/ETZ !