Why the whole Faircoin community should be punished because one bad guy's cheating? This is totally unfair. Mintpal should secure their voting system to prevent this kind of cheating.
What if I behaved like a bad guy and use bots to vote other coins like 'iXcoin' or 'QubitCoin'? Then will Mintpal remove them as well? What a f*king shit website it is. People were buying faircoin yesterday to wait for profit. Please do not let one bad guy ruin the whole community.
Why do you guys have to be such whiny little bitches?
You're quick to point fingers at someone but you fail to see what's really important here.
The guy has made a mistake and admitted to it. If this happened to anyone of you others, you probably would have kept the whole thing hidden like the true two-faced kids that you are.
So I'm pointing another finger back at y'all hypocrites in here,but it's my middle finger.
When the Devs announced the wallet was corrupted and 15 million coins might be lost forever, half of the people up in here started bitching about how this coin was just a failed scam coin. You rush to hasty conclusions cause you're too immature to look at issues from a constructive standpoint. And all those people who didn't hesitate to shittalk the coin were the first to praise the Devs when they announced they recovered the wallet and everything was gonna get on normally.
Leave the guy the fuck alone and move on.
It's ridiculous beyond imagination that this dude, who's been twice or thrice as active as any of you guys shittalking him, has to feel forced to leave cause you're too concerned about pumping and dumping this coin that you're so eager for it to be on a much more popular exchange.
We can still go on mintpal,big deal if it's not gonna be today but in a week time. If anything it's gonna give the devs time to develop their game and give us time to come up with interesting ideas like this:
Ive contacted a nice shop, Ive received an answer from the owner where he says he will keep me updated.
This could be a very good start! You can buy about anything in this shop
y3804 please re-consider your decision,I think you're more than welcome here to anybody with a bit of good sense in their minds.