After sending out to about 35k, our wallet file became corrupted.
we're trying to recover the keys, but it's both encrypted and corrupted and at this point we have no idea how to recover them, if they are even there
(the keys might not even be there, if the client only flushed a part of the file)
If anybody can help out with that, please do so.
As of right now, the first ~35k addresses (we'll check the exact number soon) have been sent to,
and we can't access the remaining coins
so, this is bacially the same as having distributed to only 35k addresses instead of 50k
and the coin is still Fair, just not the exact way we intended.
We're happy to move forward if we have your support, trying to push it into exchanges, gambling sites, stores etc.
if not, we'll scrap the project and try again with lessons learned.
we also have the option of creating another coin and using the faircoin addresses database to distribute the new coin
what do you say?
Faircoin Team
That right there has just ruined the coin, please tell me you can fix this?
We are going to have to start over again, use the address databases or just get everyone to submit more tokens.
You can't go on with 35K addresses that is not fair. It will just kill this coin.
What does everyone else think?
I think 1000FAC = 1BTC