
Topic: [ANN][FC] Fuguecoin - Fugue256 hash, Launched! NO PRE-M! CPU/GPU minable! - page 35. (Read 122155 times)

full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
I'm knew it. We will be rich in 2 years. Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
no acepts or rejects on solo and with pool only rejects(share is above target) anyone any ideas(mining at 4m /s
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
This is neat with a new algorithm and everything, but the ANN page needs serious work and the coin needs promotion.  Hope it gets it, as I have about 40 blocks of it now.

+1 Needs more promotion. Also, needs a pool. Dif is at 92 and rising.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
This is neat with a new algorithm and everything, but the ANN page needs serious work and the coin needs promotion.  Hope it gets it, as I have about 40 blocks of it now.
sr. member
Activity: 1106
Merit: 255 - Best Bitcoin Casino
I found five blocks solo CPU early - the first one cashed out, but the next four all orphaned. I felt so gypped. But, now thanks to the C+C Hash Factory, my Nv farm is yay'ing blocks with some degree of regularity. You guys rule!
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

 Smiley Smiley Smiley
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
CUDA based Fuguecoin-miner for nVidia-GPUs

CCMiner is released. It's the Christian+Christian miner that was developed collaboratively.
This supports HeavyCoin and FugueCoin at the moment.

This code isn't as polished as cudaminer, supports only barebones command line options
but it should do the job. Now go get some Fuguecoins. We've mainly tested solo mining
ourselves. Please report any issues with stratum.

The code targets Compute Capability 2.0 or better and will run on all later architectures
as well. Those who can compile from source code can explicitly target Compute 3.0 or
3.5. The compilation prerequisites are the same as for cudaminer.

I will not exclude the possibility to merge some of the algorithms into cudaminer, but only
if the underlying coins prove to have some long term value and active developer community.



P.S. development focus shifts back to cudaminer now.

Thank you!!!!

Activity: 69
Merit: 0
CUDA based Fuguecoin-miner for nVidia-GPUs

CCMiner is released. It's the Christian+Christian miner that was developed collaboratively.
This supports HeavyCoin and FugueCoin at the moment.

This code isn't as polished as cudaminer, supports only barebones command line options
but it should do the job. Now go get some Fuguecoins. We've mainly tested solo mining
ourselves. Please report any issues with stratum.

The code targets Compute Capability 2.0 or better and will run on all later architectures
as well. Those who can compile from source code can explicitly target Compute 3.0 or
3.5. The compilation prerequisites are the same as for cudaminer.

I will not exclude the possibility to merge some of the algorithms into cudaminer, but only
if the underlying coins prove to have some long term value and active developer community.



P.S. development focus shifts back to cudaminer now.

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
i can't find any coins solo with my amd 5670 hashing at 4m or so, help anyone? also the reason is pool one cause i managed to sign up for pool but it's not working so it's switched to pool 1(my solo mining) here is the pic
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
This COIN is dead  Angry

Care to elaborate? have some numbers for you. Mad because you missed the train?! i feel you (not). Do you want 50FC?

"blocks" : 16608,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 60.49937254,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 10801130531,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false
NO i have 20 block solo minig cpu  Cheesy
but we need cpu coin Only cpu
I happy when I saw it new  cpu algo but now  Huh
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Activity: 4
Merit: 0 my node add that one
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Can't synchronise. Is there any more node ?
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

pool bug i think. Solo mining work fine.

Have you tried solo mining to another wallet on a local network? I get the above error when I try.

Also, GPU monitoring needs to be enabled. Is it possible that the AMD ADL SDK was missing when it was compiled. The readme says to "Install AMD ADL SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU monitoring)" @

Cgminer crashed on me earlier, after mining for about 4 hrs, saying "GPU 0 idle ... declaring sick! Attempting to restart, etc". No idea why it did that.

cgminer is compatible with fugue256 ?

Sorry I meant sgminer

try to decrease the intensity.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

pool bug i think. Solo mining work fine.

Have you tried solo mining to another wallet on a local network? I get the above error when I try.

Also, GPU monitoring needs to be enabled. Is it possible that the AMD ADL SDK was missing when it was compiled. The readme says to "Install AMD ADL SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU monitoring)" @

Cgminer crashed on me earlier, after mining for about 4 hrs, saying "GPU 0 idle ... declaring sick! Attempting to restart, etc". No idea why it did that.

cgminer is compatible with fugue256 ?

Sorry I meant sgminer
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

pool bug i think. Solo mining work fine.

Have you tried solo mining to another wallet on a local network? I get the above error when I try.

Also, GPU monitoring needs to be enabled. Is it possible that the AMD ADL SDK was missing when it was compiled. The readme says to "Install AMD ADL SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU monitoring)" @

Cgminer crashed on me earlier, after mining for about 4 hrs, saying "GPU 0 idle ... declaring sick! Attempting to restart, etc". No idea why it did that.

cgminer is compatible with fugue256 ?
i dont think.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

pool bug i think. Solo mining work fine.

Have you tried solo mining to another wallet on a local network? I get the above error when I try.

Also, GPU monitoring needs to be enabled. Is it possible that the AMD ADL SDK was missing when it was compiled. The readme says to "Install AMD ADL SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU monitoring)" @

Cgminer sgminer crashed on me earlier, after mining for about 4 hrs, saying "GPU 0 idle ... declaring sick! Attempting to restart, etc". No idea why it did that.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

pool bug i think. Solo mining work fine.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
pool 0 slow/credentials invalid probin for alive pool(my creds are valid) and pool is down, anyt other pools

edit working now, 4m speed right for amd 5670?
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
compiled version of sgminer anyone(don't know how to compile)? mega link in earlier comments empty
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