1. This is the maximum possible 64-bit unsigned integer.
2. Our goals do not coincide with the goals of the creators of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was created in order to enrich its creators (which are hidden behind the pseudonym Satoshi). Therefore, Bitcoin cannot be a full-fledged international means of payment for the purpose of ensuring the money supply of the entire global economy. Bitcoin was not created for this. It contains a number of restrictions that will not allow him to do this. Bitcoin is a speculative investment tool with some money features. For this reason, all serious economists around the world do not recognize Bitcoin as a full-fledged monetary unit and generally refuse to invest in it, for example, Warren Buffett. Therefore, if you believe in the endless bright future of Bitcoin, then I have bad news for you ... If someday in the future Bitcoin becomes full-fledged money, believe me, it will be a completely different Bitcoin than you know now. Our goals are wider than the goals of the creators of Bitcoin. Therefore, initially in our coin there are no unnecessary restrictions that in the future may prevent us from making it a full-fledged means of payment within the global economy.
as I understand it will be in the future?
New currency branches?
Will the currency, like ETH, be infinitely increased?
я кaк пoнял в бyдyщeм бyдeт?
Hoвыe вeтки вaлюты?
Baлютy мoжнo бyдeт кaк и ETH бecкoнeчнo yвeличить?