Cloud based Linux Guide for CPU mining Gapcoin at: - Ubuntu x64 - 14.04 LTS - Recommended.Sign-up with cloud based Linux server hosting, such as Digital Ocean, VULTR or RunAbove and set-up your new servers.
To login to your cloud server you need to download putty.exe (for windows) - double click on putty.exe to start PuTTY and enter your server's IP address and click on OK to logon
When clicking on OK you may be presented with a server authentication warning screen. Just click on (or type) Yes to continue.
Now you need to enter your username and password. Login as: root and with your password.
Note that when you type your password the command prompt probably won't move along - just continue to type and press the enter key to login.
N.B. On a Linux based OS open a new terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT + T and at the command prompt type: ssh root@YOUR SERVERS IP ADDRESS
Rev. 3 EDIT:
----- COPY and PASTE each section / line of TEXT below individually into the Terminal -----
sudo apt-get update
Set-up a SWAP file due to low RAM on some instances:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7z x gapminer-noncepool-rev2.zip7z x
sudo apt-get install screen
In screen mode hit the Space Bar twice to return to the command prompt.
gapminer-noncepool/64/gapminer -o -p 4200 -u YOURusername.YOURworker -x x --retries -1 -t NUMBER OF CPU THREADS64/gapminer -o -p 4200 -u YOURusername.YOURworker -x x --retries -1 -t NUMBER OF CPU THREADS
----- COPY and PASTE each section / line of TEXT above individually into the Terminal -----
and press the Enter key to start mining. DONE !
N.B. You can use (press and hold)
CTRL + A + D to get out of the screen session. Then type exit and press enter to close the terminal, although continue mining Gapcoin.
If you log back in to the terminal type:
screen -r and enter to check that your still mining Gapcoin.
Digital Ocean $10 with promo code SSD2014 or OMGSSD10 -
VULTR $5 free when you register and an additional $5 if you use Bitcoin. See:!Thanks!