It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
#I want to give credit to paranoidtruth for most of this manual.
#I borrowed a lot of his work from another coin.
#GoaCoin GUIDE for windows-linux setup
#you need a linux vps to get a public IP, etc. If you don't know what that is, do something else.
#I am NOT a linux expert, if you are and see anything incorrect, unnecessary, or should be added for security, etc, please let me know and I'll update!
#focusing on the linux side, the windows *should* be pretty easy and simpler than it sounds
#But I will also cover the windows side below.
#I personally use a fairly small linux instance, 1024memory, ubuntu, 16.04
#there are tons of vps services like: ovh, vpsdime, vultr, digitalocean, etc, etc.
#get the ip & root login from your vps you setup
#SSH into the vps (most windows users will use putty. If you're not familiar with putty, watch a quick youtube vid)
#If you're on a mac (when the mac wallet is available, you have a built in SSH terminal instead of putty)
#setup putty to connect to the IP and save that connection, ssh root@your_ip
#after connecting should see something like: root@whatever_your_server_name_is
#copy all instructions one line at a time:
#if we have a cheap vps instance with low memory, a swap file for more memory is a good idea:
free -h
#that will just show what you currenty have
#now setup the swap:
sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
ls -lh /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
#Make Changes Permanent
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo bash -c "echo 'vm.swappiness = 10' >> /etc/sysctl.conf"
#Confirm Changes, you should now see a second line different that before, showing the 4G swap has been setup
free -h
#I also prefer to not install as root. Security & makes it easier if later you want to run more than one coin on the server,
#you will have a diff home dir for each coin
#so let's create a user called GoaCoin1
#it's going to ask you questions like room number, you can just hit enter for all those, all you really need to fill in
#is the new user password, do not lose this password either, you need both the root & GoaCoin1 password from now on
#You can try to run this command but sometimes you will get an error message depending on the Linux install you have
adduser GoaCoin1
# This is the error message from running "adduser GoaCoin1" on some Linux configurations
# "adduser: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured
# via the NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM] configuration variable. Use the '--force-badname'
# option to relax this check or reconfigure NAME_REGEX."
# Since we don't want to reconfigure the NAME_REGEX file,
# let's just relax the constraint for the new username instead.
sudo adduser --force-badname GoaCoin1
#now give this user sudo access (more power!)
usermod -aG sudo GoaCoin1
#alright, if this is your first coin on the server, there are upgrades & dependencies to install:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install nano htop git vim -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake -y
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils software-properties-common -y
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev -y
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev libminiupnpc-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y
sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y
sudo apt-get install -y ufw
sudo apt-get update -y
#alright, now let's install GoaCoin
#change over to our GoaCoin1 user to install in that user home dir
#it may ask for your GoaCoin1 password
su - GoaCoin1
#verify we are in the GoaCoin1 home dir:
#that will show your curr directory, which should be /home/GoaCoin1
#Now let's install GoaCoin into your new user's home folder
git clone
#Check to see if it created a goacoin folder
#You should see the "goacoin" folder in a different color
#build it, some of these steps will take a while:
cd goacoin
chmod 755
chmod 755 share/
#built, lets move back to your home dir:
cd ~/
#now, the ls command shows your files/directories
#the ls -alrt will show all your hidden files/directories as well:
ls -alrt
#you should see a lot more there, like the .goacoincore directory that you didn't see before, so you have a GoaCoin & a .goacoincore directory
#copy your goacoind executable file to /usr/local/bin so that it's globally executable from anywhere
sudo chmod +x goacoin/src/goacoind
sudo cp goacoin/src/goacoind /usr/local/bin/
#alright, let's see if we can start it:
goacoind -daemon
#now it should be running. try some commands:
# change directory to the goacoin/src/ folder
cd goacoin/src/
# List all commands for ./goacoin-cli
./goacoin-cli help
# Get mining info
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
#you should see some info, one important one is the blocks.
#do that command again:
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
#you should see a higher block number than before. If it is, it's syncing to the block chain, doing good!
#let it run for a while. we want it to fully sync, so keep doing that command until it reaches the curr block
#what's the current block? you can see the block # here:
#ok, all sync'd? let's stop it because we are going to edit the conf file.
#If you edit the conf file, in particular the user/pass while it's running, you'll get stuck, so always stop it first:
./goacoin-cli stop
#probably easiest editor to use is nano, at the bottom you'll see commands,
#like CTRL-X will exit (it says where it's going to save, hit [ENTER])
nano .goacoincore/goacoin.conf
#remove whatever is there, and copy-paste exactly this into it:
#NOW replace the rpcuser, rpcpassword, and the externalip IP address.
#The IP is your vps IP:1947, so it should look like xx.xx.xx.xx:1947
#the masternodeprivkey will be from your windows setup. If you already did that, you already have it.
#But you probably don't if you haven't done the windows side yet, so just leave it as xxx for now
#to save
#agree to over write the file press Y
#to tell Linux to make the change to the file and exit nano
# allow port 1947 through the firewall
sudo ufw allow 1947/tcp
#linux side is almost done. (we still need the masternodeprivkey from your Windows PC wallet)
#side note, you actually need a little over 1000 because there's a trans fee.
#If you literally have only 1000, go buy one more coin.
1) Download and install GAO on your home PC computer, links:
Choose win64 OR win32 based on the operating system (I always get the 32-bit because it's usually less buggy)
2) Wait until the wallet synchronizes and all the blocks are updated.
2a) Encrypt your wallet (Top left menu: Settings --> Encrypt Wallet...) Set a strong password and DON'T LOSE IT!
2b) BACKUP YOUR WALLET (Top left menu: File --> Backup Wallet...) Save the file somewhere safe.
2c) Did I mention that you need to backup your wallet? You need to backup your wallet...!
3) Go to the menu 'Tools' en select option 'Debug console'.
4) In the console type getnewaddress. Your MN alias name can be a name choosen by you.
Let's choose as example "mymasternode" for this guide.
5) In the Console enter the command getaccountaddress mymasternode. You'll get the address.
6) Send 1000 GOA coins to address generated in step 4. With the 1 extra you're sure you don't have to bother about the fee.
Goto menu 'Send' --> paste the address in 'Pay To' input box, enter 1000 en press button 'Send'.
The transaction fee should be automatically added to the transaction from the remaining balance.
7) Wait for the 10 confirmations to complete, check it in the 'Transactions tab', this can take 30-60 minutes.
7a) I hope you remembered to backup your wallet and your password... Just say'in...
8 Go to the menu 'Tools' --> 'Debug console'.
9) Type: masternode genkey
10) Type: masternode outputs
11) Copy the answers from step 9 and 10 to a empty notepad, for later usage.
15) Now go to 'Tools' --> 'Open Masternode configuration File' to edit this configuration. Delete the content of the file.
16) Add your own masternode configuration settings copy the following text, the answers did you save in step 4 and 11:
:1947 <2nd part of answer in step 10>
It should look something like this:
mymasternode 765765634GHGjhgfsda782332bhds98dasbgh398hds9 34783478347hHJKLh438743hhbuon4123uusdaj23JJK8327H 1
In the above line, last number can be 0 or 1 depending on the answer of step 10, in this guide we got 1 at the end of outputs
17) Save your masternode configuration file and close notepad.
18) Close your GoaCoin Wallet program on Windows
#go back to your VPS Linux server (putty)
#switch to the GoaCoin1 user
su - GoaCoin1
#update the vps config:
nano .goacoincore/goacoin.conf
#update your masternodeprivkey from step 9) and then exit/save
CTRL-X then Y then [ENTER]
#start it:
# Close the SSH window to end the session
#go back to windows, let's kick it off:
#Open your GoaCoin exe
#go to the "My Masternodes" tab
#hit the start or start all button.
#with any luck it will show successfully started. If it does not:
#"could not allocate vin" means your wallet isn't unlocked, OR it didn't recognize your 1000 coins for the MN, maybe wrong amount.
#check the block explorer using your MN addr (remember, it's in your receive tab so you can copy it from there)
#does it have exactly one transaction of 1000? It's very picky about that rule.
#ok, hopefully all of that is sorted out
#in windows, go to the masternodes tab and click on the masternodes network sub-tab
#you should be able to find yours. The active column will take a while to update, don't worry
#ok, let's go back to your vps (putty)
#now, let's see if we can see our ip in the list, swap in YOUR ip instead of xx.xx.xx.xx:
# change directory to the goacoin/src/ folder
cd goacoin/src/
# List all commands for ./goacoin-cli
./goacoin-cli help
# Get mining info
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
# List Masternodes
./goacoin-cli masternode list | grep xx.xx.xx.xx
#with any luck you will see something like: xx.xx.xx.xx:1947 : 1,
#1 is good, that means your ip is active/enabled in the goacoin masternode list
#FYI: some commands you might use on occasion:
goacoind #starts goacoin
./goacoin-cli masternode list #shows all nodes
./goacoin-cli stop #stops goacoin
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo #show blocks, etc.
./goacoin-cli help #shows every possible command
#add a couple basic sec items, firewall & fail2ban
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp
sudo limit ssh/tcp
sudo ufw allow 1947/tcp
sudo ufw logging on
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status
#note, if you run other coins on diff ports, run the firewall allow commands to open/allow those ports as well
#like we did above to allow 1947
sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
sudo systemctl start fail2ban
#wait for rewards. First one might take up to 24 hours.
#I also use the monitoring feature of
#You can create an acct and find your node by searching by ip:port
#add it to your monitor list, and be sure that it's running.
If you haven't done so already, I recommend you go BACKUP YOUR WALLET!!!
######## Upgrade Exe (as of 1/22/2018)
# putty into your Linux VPS
# login as root
#Switch to your Goa User Account profile folder
su - GoaCoin1
#Let's see what resides in this folder (including hidden files and folders)
ls -alrt
# You should see a goacoin folder listed
# Now create a temp folder to hold the zip file
mkdir temp
# Switch to the new directory
cd temp
# Now lets download the new zip file from github into our new temp folder
# Wait for the file to download.... Then let's see if we see the file
#you should see the zipped file goacoin-daemon-
#now Let's unzip the file into the temp folder
tar -xzvf goacoin-daemon-
# Wait for the files to extract... Then let's see if we see the files
# You should see the goacoin-cli goacoind and goacoin-tx files now.
# Now lets go turn off goacoin so we can overwrite the binary files
# go back to the main goacoin folder goacoin/src
cd ../goacoin/src
# now let's see what's in this folder
# you should see the 3 binaries we will be updating.
# Now we need to stop the program from running so we can patch the files
# Stop goacoin from running in the background
./goacoin-cli stop
# Now go back to the temp folder
cd ../../temp
# Lets copy these new binaries to the goacoin/src folder... overwriting the original binaries
mv goacoin-cli ~/goacoin/src/
mv goacoind ~/goacoin/src/
mv goacoin-tx ~/goacoin/src/
# Now lets go start goacoin
cd ../goacoin/src
# Start goacoin
goacoind -daemon
# wait a minute or so
# Now check to see if you see the latest block. It should be the same as the highest block on this explorer site
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
# Now go update your Windows exe to the latest version
# Download the 32-bit QT version of
# Run it and wait for it to catch up.
# click on the Masternodes tab. You should see your masternode ENABLED.
# Profit !
# Linux VPS
# SSH into your Linux VPS
# Login as root
# Switch to your goacoin user profile
su - GoaCoin1
# Now change directory to the goacoin source folder
cd goacoin/src
# Now on Windows go to this URL:
# Look at latest Block number under the Latest Transactions list
# Now back on Linux
# run this command
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
#look at "blocks": Should be the same as the website, if not we need to reindex
# In my case the blocks on my Linux were lower than the web site so I need to reindex
# Stop goacoin from running in the background
./goacoin-cli stop
# Reindex
goacoind -daemon -reindex
# Now keep running this command every few seconds looking at "blocks":
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo
# Should be going up in number to match web site
# Once your Linux VPS Blocks matches Blocks
# Reindex Windwos
# Windows Machine
## Now open your Windows wallet
## Click on the menu option "Tools" --> "Wallet Repair"
## On the Wallet Repair Tab
## Click on the "Rebuild Index" button at the bottom of the screen
## Wait for the reindex to complete
## Close the Tools Window
## Click on MasterNodes button
## Right Click on your Masternode that is showing "New_Start_Required"
## Click on "Start alias"
## Click "Yes" on the pop-up asing you "Are you sure ..."
## Enter your wallet password
## You should get a pop-up that says "Successfully started masternode."
## Your MN status should now say "PRE_ENABLED"
## Wait about 30 minutes or more
## Your MN status should change to "ENABLED" automatically
## Profit!!!
# How to Re-Index your Linux VPS
# SSH into your Linux VPS
# Login as root
# Switch to your goacoin user profile
su - GoaCoin1
cd goacoin/src && ./goacoin-cli stop
# wait 10 seconds
cd .goacoincore
rm governance.dat
rm netfulfilled.dat
rm peers.dat
rm -r blocks
rm mncache.dat
rm -r chainstate
rm fee_estimates.dat
rm mnpayments.dat
rm banlist.dat
cd goacoin/src && ./goacoind -daemon -reindex
# wait 5 seconds
# Run this over and over and watch the block count go up over time
./goacoin-cli getmininginfo