The diff seems behave strangely for a few blocks (pretty high), then return to normal. Now the diff seems right. I don't know why it jumped so high at one point. Will keep watching it.
Hi, Bosian
How are you ?
I have capature a screen to explain what is happening now.
1. I am living in NJ, USA : EST TIME ZONE
so, Please, just compare the minutes and seconds only (not hours)
2. in BFGMiner Screen
The network speed is going up, and hit Diff 4
and, keep couple of hours,
and than, it is going down to Diff 1
and, this process is keep doing again
This kind of pattern is happen always, my means, each block will have the difference Diff,
and, It affect on reject (?, maybe, I am not sure, just guess)
and, it affect on stale (my means, the keep chaing of time... anyway, sorry for too stupid idea)
3. The networkhashs from Grain-QT 1.2 (actually, 1.1 also same)
at block #60327,
at block #60328,
The hash rate has been decreased dramatically, and Diff also have been changed.
Technically, something wrong
it is hard to believe the actual network speed is changed like this
4. Check the time between Grain-QT 1.2 and Minder
* I have used 1s scan time, and 1s logging time for miner
* I have put, getminerinfo every 10 seconds, to find the changing point
-> Actually, Miner Detect the change of diffculty much earler than QT
-> The changing point from 4 to 1
(in Miner) xx:08:08
(in QT) xx:08:53
-> I have thought, need one more block to update the current hashrate in QT, yes, it is right,
but, sometime, it is happen over couple of blocks (After couple of new block detected on network message)
Anyway, I am not sure, what is the problem,
maybe, It is just my computer problem,
or maybe, it is just my network problem,
But, only happen in GrainCoin
I have tried to with QT1.1/1.2, Actually, when blockchain explorer has recovered, I have tracked block chains,
and, I found it is matched
and, I feel, there are too many PoS blocks via PoW
(the diff on screen and actual diff is too much difference and growing more and more)
I know it is a technical choice, but,
it makes less attactive for this coin for mining.
In fact, it is why there is not many miners interest on mining PoW/PoS type even it is much more advanced but too early to accepted in this area
(just my person opinion)
p/s : sorry for bothering you again, I like graincoin too much ~ that is why I have too many stupid question, please forgive me.
mkimid, thanks for your detailed analysis. I will do some more investigation and report back here.