Can I have a question ?
While mining why the difficulty has been changing continuously from 0 ~ 8, and keep looping, my hash rate is around 650k. But,it has been stabled today.
mkimid, there are two difficulties here: PoW difficulty and PoS difficulty. PoS diff is very low (close to zero - so that everyone can generate PoS blocks from his client), this is by design. PoW diff, is what you see when you mine with cgminer, for example. PoW diff is very consistent, varies from 0.3 to 0.6, or whatever the range. So when you look at the diff, what you care about is the PoW diff. Look at the block explorer, and look only the diffs for the PoW blocks, you will see they are pretty consistent, and varies smoothly according to the real block time of the previous block.
Thank your for your explaination,
Actually, i have experienced last saturday and sunday,
If you see the blocks (57814, 57665, 56993, ..) and near by,
Relatively, higher number of diff.
Started with diff 0 (PoW, cgminer), it is increaed to 6 ~ 8
And than, return to some number such as 3-4
And increased again to 6-7
And than, return to some number ...
I just felt kind of something is happen, and it is not smooth ..
Maybe some hidden factors are removed/overcomed/fixed
Similar with before,
Block #59289, 59288 :: checked the time stamp
Maybe the people wake up and start their Grain coin client and this generates a shitload of PoS block and drives the PoW difficulty so high.