1.- Digital Ocean is the best service for me, but you can use any VPS. https://www.digitalocean.com/
If you decide to use DO just create a New Droplet, you can use the cheapest one ($5 usd).
Also, if you are a noob Linux User I recommend to use a Distro with GUI preinstalled.
2.- If you want to compile Grumpycoin yourself, you'll need to install some dependencies first, just type in the console:
3.- Once you've installed all deps, you need to clone Grumpycoin's source code:
4.-You can compile either the qt or daemon.
To compile daemon you do:
cd src
make -f makefile "USE_UPNP=-"
To compile QT:
qmake "USE_UPNP=-"
Edit: If you use the cheapest VPS before you try to compile it type this commands otherwise it will fail due the lack of RAM resources :
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
When you finish compiling it type:
sudo rm /swapfile