120000-140000 block: production 150.625 million - August 2014
140000-160000 block: production 75.3125 million - September 2014
160000-180000 block: production approximately the 37th million - October 2014
180000-200000 block: production about 18.5 million - November 2014
200000-220000 block: production about 9.25 million - December 2014
Production of 20 billions a year.
Whether not too a big ratio of production in a year by next years?
How I understood an award less than 1 coin for the block won't fall, correctly?
I noticed it this morning. Apparently there will only be 20 billion grumpycoin at the current creation rate, so I wanted to consult with you (the community) what should we do: 1)shall we stay like this and only create 20 Billion coins or 2) change it to 50 Billion coins like it was supposed to be?
Change it is easy and we can do it in any moment.