IF you are turning your back, where is that hot million going?
I believe i have the deposit address so i will just give it back to the person that it was coming from...and my other coins i will just dump on the market, and give away to the tatars anyway, will not be a lot, but it will be something. I will just find another coin, a coin that doesn't talk about take over etc to support the people of crimea.
Please don't do that. I am about to make an announcement regarding HEX, here, within the next 3 hours (We are just formalizing, editing, and formatting the announcement right now).
The announcement we are making is going to pump some much needed life into this project, and I promise you that it will have NOTHING to do with supporting partisan political factions, or any other such polarizing alignments.
That's NOT to in any way disparage the plight of any group of people, as we here at HEX are sympathetic to ALL peoples who must bear the brunt of war, or who are caught up in geopolitical events that they cannot control that may negatively affect their life and freedom.
But HEX IS NOT about that.
If you want to personally use your own hex resources to provide aid to a particular segment of the earth's population, that is up to YOU.
But HEX itself will march under nobody's standard aside from it's own. I hope that everyone is clear about that.
Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement, we're pretty sure you guys are going to like it.
So what the hell is going on? A guy is here putting pressure of taking over HEX? It even looks like Crimea suddenly... If the coin stay with the original owner, then i will of course continue doing what i was planning to do. I've put my miner on HEX because of the current owner not because of someone that start putting pressure on the community and talk bullshit of taking over this coin. It is already bad enough that Russia has take (over) Crimea.
Lol maybe we should rename it DramaCoin or SoapOperaCoin - but here is a little more drama: You can call HEX a tool of commerce and someday it might be -but there is no commerce right now - so HEX exists as the shadow of Heisenberg and our projection of the meaning of Heisenberg - and I think Heisenberg would have snapped Putin's neck given the chance - or maybe not - maybe Heisenberg would have dealt his thugs some meth and made a profit - wait I'm coming around as I write this - Heisenberg was a neutral man of commerce and thus HEX should be a neutral tool of commerce!! Fuck me...yeah I have changed my mind...(but still think the Tartar cause is a noble one).