Hello, I see great potential in this, but not nearly enough to get my full support. I already own some coins I purchased on LiveCoin.
What I've seen in your platform and in your videos does not address the issues we have with voting today! Voting turnout in my country, USA, and I'm sure many others, are at all time lows. This is because the establishment has done a lot to discourage voting and make it increasing difficult and more pointless to vote. I am not new to this rodeo. I donated thousands of hours to Bernie Sanders get out the vote canpaign last year, I was a canvas and recruiting captain, and I talked to a lot of people. I also helped my wife get 5000 votes for her Green party candidacy in Santa Monica, CA last year. I am glad you are working with the UN, because I believe in them. I'm also an Uber driver, so I believe you guys are on the right track there as well - it's a great system.
Here's what I want to see - on your roadmap, I'm sorry if this sounds political, but if you want loyalty, and VOTES, you need to REACH OUT!.
1. Paid voting - opt in and opt out, cash on the spot for voting, and benefits for homeless people voting, first time voters, etc!
2. Reaching out to students before they graduate!
3. Use your platform as a layer to allow MORE voting, to supplement mail in and in person voting.
4. Use your platform to do voting confirmations, and make it easy for friends and family members to share ballots, etc. Voting buddy situations so I know who hasn't voted, etc! Let's make this a community effort!
5. Ranked choice voting, etc!
6. Party affiliations - being able to change them easily, etc! Link up with other party members for gatherings and events!
7. Removing barriers to primary voting, etc.
8. Being able to vote from iPads, phones, etc! Why not? it's blockchain!
9. Social media linkage! Hey, I may want my vote encrypted, or I may want to share it with the world! Why not? Yes, I realize this is a conflict of interest for big corporations, but that's exactly why it needs to be available!
I understand this is a serious platform and you are trying to save the government money, but that is not what will give people power and voices. We need this technology in the field, yesterday!
I think this could be the single most important blockchain usage out there, but I need more substance! I am available for chat willoreagan on Twitter, facebook or Linked In.
I can not use telegram because it is buggy and thinks my phone isn't real.
Thank you, and keep up the good work. I look forward to #HODLing these tokens!
I got positive confirmation on at least one of these questions, #9, during the youtube AMA. Here is the live AMA on youtube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8f4loXTPkMI am really excited about this project and will pledge to buy many more tokens over the coming weeks. I love their direction!