DOMOB! VN work!
I hope so! I have not yet mentioned it so far, but I believe that running some bots with this (or a similar framework) may also help with "manual" play. For instance, you could configure AutoHunter bots to keep certain areas (where you want to gather manually) clear, to hunt down specified players, protect a given player you manually control, keep some path safe or whatever. I. e., the "gruntwork", while you focus on more complicated game moves.
I've discussed quite a bit with the MOTO community, on the general human mine and proof-of-play thread, and elsewhere that I believe that in the median term time-frame for these technologies this combined human/bot mining or "cyborg" mining, will likely be the most productive way to mine these coins. I imagine that people will keep dumb or "tedious" bots running when afk, and will use combinations of more advanced scripts/tool-kits when "actively human mining" for increased output.
Since Gatra pointed me at the FoldIt game, I've been watching that community of players. It seems that the successful players all play as cyborgs, and some of their "bot tool-belts" look to be pretty extensive collections of both specialized and general optimization/learner algorithms.
I see this as probably being inevitable for HUC, MOTO, and possibly (likely?) even projects like GRC should they stabilize.
I have no plans to try anything like that by myself, but I think there are a lot of possibilities.
This actually has me interested in trying my hand at HUC again. I still have my old merge-mine pool server even though the pool itself has been dead for some time.
You could even offer running a certain number of bots doing specific tasks for someone "as a service".
I've always worried that someone might start a time-travel-hashing service and end up ruining the coin, heh.
However, I agree that there are a lot of opportunities for in game services in HUC. For example hosted guard bots that, once procured for a small fee, travel surrounding your general and automatically clear out any incoming threats.
There are probably a lot of similar opportunities for "mining assist" services in MOTO/GRC/etc as well.