Surprisely,Air token has made more than×10 from the bottom is was couple months ago,without any important news and listings to major exchanges
I can't even imagine what will happen after the devs release some great news.Happy for all patient investors and bounty hunters
Hey Dear Dev! Brcause of me, 23 investors invested in Airtoken and
all are waiting for good news and update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay calm! Please.That´s not a pump & dump token, it´s a project of professional, hardworking, young entrepreneurs.
They will give us the information, when their work is done, not when you want fast money!
This project will take some month up to 2 years.
They never promised us, AIR will go up 2000% in 3 month, as you did.
Air grows solid, step by step.... and the chance is high, that we all are very pleased on New Year 2018/19....
Happily I´m invested in this project so early. So you and your fellows should!
Thx to the AirFox team, for being transparent and hardworking.