Yes. it is, as BoatGod is innovative wireless hardware module for iOS and Android platforms designed to work with the vessel's onboard systems based on the NMEA standard, which allows receiving data from all of the vessel's devices and, if necessary, controlling them. BoatGod is also capable of aggregating geo-data from various systems, like the vessel's sonar, to compile updated charts. Yes, you can use the app as a marine navigator without BoatGod. As you can see the concept is really close to IoT.
The fee is a classic model that can be chosen in the investor's office. There are CPM, CPC and later - CPL. CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click, so an advertiser pays every time a user actually clicks on ad. CPM (Cost-Per-Mille) - in this model you are going to pay a flat rate for 1,000 displays or impressions of your ad. CPL (Click-Per-Lead) is a model which requires not only a user clicking on the ad but also him completing further action like signing up for a newsletter, becoming a member, watching a video, etc.
Best wishes,
BoatPilot team.