Is there any member of the Electroneum team here? I've been trying to participate for the past 2 hours, but the site is down. Is there anything I could do? I don't want to lose out on the 40% bonus. Please help!
Same here, a bit disappointed I couldn't buy a bit more at 40% but at least I already bought the majority of my coins at 50%.
Probably should've pulled the trigger earlier but life happens, gets in the way sometimes.
This is the best way to look at it. Im not trying to sound heartless or a dick. I know it frustrating but lets not blow this out of proportion.
Remember, you had 166 hours to buy with the 40% bonus, and 168 at 50% bonus.
If it were my call, and it most certianly IS NOT. I dont talk to the devs, but IF it were left up to me, I would just keep the correct timeline, knowing we may lose 50 investors. This way kepping the right timeline and rules to be fair to everybody else and protect the investments of the other 20,849 investors.
Sorry, but that is the fairest thing to do at this point when no matter what they do at this point they are going to piss off one group or the other. Think like leader. Would you piss off 20, 850 people, or 50 people (and its most likely much less than 50)
No that is not the fairest thing to do. You're argument would be valid ONLY if we had the ENTIRE allocated time and chose to slack off and miss it. This isn't the case. There was a technical issue that prevented people from getting in during the allowed allocated time. This was not our fault and therefore, this needs to be addressed. What if there is a technical issue and your coins dissappeared. Should we all day who cares, move on, its only 1 investor? So no offense, if you were the dev and made such an idiotic statement, I.would stay far far away.
I know you are frustrated. Im frustrated. Extending it now would be unfair to everyone else. Im sorry you lost out on the 40% but I wouldnt throw away my investment over such a small amount when it looks to easily give you 500% not even including the 30% bonus.
No one doubts it will be at least $.05 when it ETN hits Bittrex a week or so after launch.
I know you are upset, and you have every right to be, but sometimes bad things happen that are out of everybodys control... have to step back...try to relax (easier said than done)...... and think this through logically. The devs are not going to piss off 20,000 people to make you happy because of a website glitch.
Just give yourself a half hour calm down. This is not as big as deal as you are making it out to be.
No ones coins disappeared and they will address the issue and do everything they can to prevent this from happening again.
Rationally, think about it. It was a very small difference and it affected a very small group of people.
Its was out of their hands and they need to think about the community as a whole.
And yes I know it still sucks. No one is arguing that.