RIALTO.AI is a Designated Data Provider to the Hedge ProjectRIALTO.AI data providing services were selected among competitors as the best on the market for the calculation purposes of Hedge Project professional crypto indices.
Advantages of RIALTO.AI data providing solutions:
1. Full scope of exchanges and gateways
2. Responsiveness and real time calculation possibility
3. Reliability of the data streamRIALTO.AI will be providing live datastream on the selected number of cryptocurrencies that are required for the calculation of the set of indices, including but not limited to the Official Bitcoin Price Index, Crypto30 Index, and Crypto Assets Index. Indices will be streamed to a variety of financial data vendors. Hedge Project plans to introduce several index-based products on their platform (e.g. purchase of any index replicated basket of cryptocurrencies), as well as hedging and short exposure products.
What Makes Hedge Project Indices State of the Art?1. RIALTO.AI dataset and streaming solutions.
2. Official Rulebook: Each index has the official rulebook behind it that defines the constituents and the calculation methodology at any given moment.
3. Professional Calculation Methodology: Hedge Project indices are calculated by using the same state of the art calculation methodologies as all professional financial indices (e.g. S&P 500). Together with the rulebook, this makes them eligible for usage in financial institutions.
4. Index Committee: Every index has a designated index committee whose respected members assure the integrity and transparency of the constant index calculation, including at the times of major influencing external world events.
RIALTO.AI Token Holder CompensationIn return for providing the data services, RIALTO.AI will receive a compensation in the amount of 5% of the Hedge (HDG) tokens that will be proportionally distributed in the second half of October 2017 to every RIALTO (XRL) token holder identified on a predetermined record date: 15th of September 2017 @12:00 UTC.
Eligible token holders and the quantity of allocated HDG tokens will be determined by the snapshot of XRL holdings from the Ethereum public ledger. Eligible token holders will have 30 days until 15th of October to register their XRL token holding ETH addresses at the
www.hedge-crypto.com. A detailed guide on registration procedure will follow shortly.