This project is SCAM confirmed.
As stated in
OOO «Xoxoльcкaя ceльcкoxoзяйcтвeннaя кoмпaния» ,OOO «CX Кoмпaния», OOO
«кoмпaния XCК»”, нe имeют oтнoшeния к пpoeктy MilkCoin и кoмпaнии “MilkCoin
Est”, нe нecyт oтвeтcтвeннocти зa дeйcтвия “MilkCoin Est”. He нecyт
oтвeтcтвeннocти и нe имeют oтнoшeния к oпyбликoвaнным нa caйтe
дoкyмeнтaм, coглaшeниям, oбязaтeльcтвaм, пpeдлoжeниям.
For those, who don't know russian:
Following LLCs are not related to the MilkCoin project and MilkCoin
Est , are not responsible for the actions of" MilkCoin Est ". They are do not carry
responsibility and are not relevant to the information published on the website
Lol, isnt it clear for you, that we are writing this since crypto and ICO have no status in Russia, that is why it can be dangerous to use Russian companies for ICO launch
Thanks for ur useless spam, buddy =)
Oh, and you forgot to post one more sentence that goes between those statements
ICOs are illegal in Russia. Thats why you come up with Milkcoin est. that is not even exist.
We called to some managers of Khokholskaya Agricultural Company, LLC(thanks for the phone numbers you forgot to clean), what do they say?
"WTF are you talking about? ICO? What is it?"
Oh, MilkCoin Est. doesnt exist haha
You gone totally crazy, forgot to clean from where lol? There is only 1 manager an Khokholskaya Agricultural Company - Vladislav Savin (not "some managers"). Can you provide a proof that you called Vlad? Can you provide an audio version of that conversation? Oh, something really useful for you, you can try to compare my surname to the surname of the only Khokholskaya Agricultural Company owner. Shit, looks like it is the same.. Guess why
I would say - people shouldn't trust you, since you are just a troll spammer
Also, since you are a Russian speaking hater, Vlad gave comments to "Komersant", you should try reading it before posting this shit
Btw, if you want to spam in the English speaking thread, you should learn English at least, looks quiet awkward
There is no ANY legal info about Milkcoin est.
All phone numbers taken from
There is no any proofs that you ARE Gradov Vladimir.
You can find all the Legal info about Milkcoin Est at
Awesome, prove us, that you called us and Vlad said that. Our company has only 1 manager, i gave you the link to his comments in Russian. Looks like even your native language is too weak to understand that there is 1 manager at KAC (not some, not 2, not 3)
Did i say that my name is Vladimir? You should learn to understand English at least, uneducated boy. My name is Gradov Georgiy and i am the founder of MilkCoin project. My father is the only owner of KAC.
Btw, dont say "no any, you should say NONE" just a small lesson for you my boy
YOUR company can have 1 or 0 or 10000 managers, it does not matter. In a real KAC LLC , in addition to the CEO, there is also a financial director and a livestock specialist, as described in the business plan (
Of course you aren't son of owner.
You even gave no proofs that you are a real person.
There is only way to contact you - Telegram messenger.
Poor english vs poor lies, who wins? =D
It does matter, lets say you will call Vlad tomorrow and say this is Andrey from bitcointalk (dont know what ur name is) and he will tell you my private telephone number.
KAC doesnt have any financial directors or livestock specialists atm, you should check it.
No proofs that i am real? LOl
Now you are going to say that it is just a coincidence that we have the same surnames with the company owner? Dont go crazy my boy
Poor English lost, real project vs hater 3:0
P.S. One more time.... dont say no any, say NONE! Looks shitty maboy
If you want to continue this conversation, we have a Russian thread, i think it is more convenient for u to use ur native language (looks like English is a bit complicated for ur bright mind)
Nothing to say maboy? I guess it is a GG for ur ass
I honestly don't understand why someone would create a new account to shout "scam" as the simplest intention of getting an scam accusation landed, is that the one calling out the scam himself is a trustworthy person, ie. the person has to verified, is publicly available and has not been on the other chair himself.
This scam shouting only shows me, that people with a bad feeling about the ICO started digging for dirt and declare "dirt" where it is merely even perhaps a bit undeep waters