
Topic: [ANN][ICO] PopulTrade - Create, join, or invest in any business - page 15. (Read 6149 times)

Activity: 174
Merit: 10
Nice looks. This can give space people to realize ideas. You have bounty?
This is PopulTrade's bounty campaign:
It's a new start, not late to join the token receiver.
It's very good way to promote a project with some bounties, I'll take my part on social media campaign. I hope there will be more participant which want to be participate on this campaign.
When other members realize this is a good and potential project. They will participate to PR for the project and look forward to owning PopulTrade Token.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
These feels like a full blown crypto Craigslist but my question focuses on the business ideas that made in realisation cos its quiet similar with kickstarter,  what do u think are your advantages compare to kickstarter-like services aside from using the blockchain tech. Thanks

First of all the advantage is that inside Popultrade capital is created for businesses and ideas. A community inside PT helps create an idea/business and gets benefits from this from PCP to PopulShares, each idea/business phase is conducted by investors this means that a business/idea is financed by phases only when the investors are satisfied with the phase, etc. Read more on out whitepaper.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
These feels like a full blown crypto Craigslist but my question focuses on the business ideas that made in realisation cos its quiet similar with kickstarter,  what do u think are your advantages compare to kickstarter-like services aside from using the blockchain tech. Thanks
full member
Activity: 573
Merit: 105
 Raising the capital to a lower price gains some risk where people will doubt about its future value but at the same time, it also triggers the clients to have this kind of opportunity to make profits from it unknowingly to people who are not much into trading world.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
ADAMANT — the most secure and anonymous messenger
I noticed also that they were not askng for big money! Look at Genesis Vision, raised only $2million and the price of that token has been going off the roof! Tenx raised over $200Million and yet they have nit been abke to come out with single product. Lower ca is good for investor!

That is the beauty of this project like you said they are not trying to raise alot of capital. Sometimes smaller companies do better with smaller investments as they tend to have one focus only.
full member
Activity: 462
Merit: 100
"if not satisfy with popultrade,  we can have our ethereum tokens back?  Thats a good deal.  Money back guarantee.  Nice one to build a market.  Like it very much.
Activity: 237
Merit: 10
See your TrackIco rating. I'm impressed. For young project it is really good
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 100
I noticed also that they were not askng for big money! Look at Genesis Vision, raised only $2million and the price of that token has been going off the roof! Tenx raised over $200Million and yet they have nit been abke to come out with single product. Lower ca is good for investor!
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 100
The Standard Protocol - Solving Inflation
Popultrade is going to be successful! How do I know that, if you take a look at the the soft cap an hard cap you will realize that this ICO is not looking for slush of cash rather this ICO is lookin at realistic Capital to commence operation! This is a very good sign!
sr. member
Activity: 938
Merit: 251
I like to emphasize on rating of this ICO!  On the 23.11.2017 - PopulTrade with a score of 4.19 (100% in vision and potential) is among top 5 upcoming ico's ! 
On the 24.11.2017 - TrackIco has rated Popultrade with a rate of 4.8 out of 5.0.
All these rating are positive signal of potential of this ICO in terms if profit for investors

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
This ICO would be do great if planned and executed well. It has a lot of things that a Populcoin can do--jobs,investment,payment for goods. We just hope this could be available worldwide.

By nature is already worldwide, you can help create a business in Europe and you are from China, you can invest in a business in UK and are from India ...
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
There have been lots of exchange site that had a difficulty coping up with other exchanges. Hoping that you'll be the difference!

This is not an exchange site.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
What make popultrade platform different from many trading platfirm coming in to nsrket! Money plstform are very promising and some of them already hsve a working product and services!

The difference is that all the money earned will be invested in ideas and businesses by Popultrade members like you. There will be communities called Circuls that will manage the money, Popultrade will make sure that everything is legal and this only at the beginning our goal is to made Circuls independent.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
If we can redeem our contribution once we are not satisfied. I am only curious if this is automatic or we need to send an email to their support with regards to this matter?

hi, is automatic.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
If we can redeem our contribution once we are not satisfied. I am only curious if this is automatic or we need to send an email to their support with regards to this matter?
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
One feature that caught me here is that it can be redeemable if you feel that this is not going anywhere.
But how can the dev team assure that they are investing in a profitable business?
What happens if they invested and something went wrong along the way?
If you say 100% assurance, then, you are promising the investors that you will never fail with your decisions.
And that's not true in reality. How will you address such scenario?

All contributions over the soft cap will be redeemable and will be locked in the smart contract. If at the project launch you are not satisfied with our product you can redeem the difference.  
now that should make the difference on the other ICO's. I've never heard anything like this before. You can redeem your contributions when you are not satisfied with the product, can anyone just imagine a great news like that? That is really unbelievable.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 254
I've seen the recent news that you posted and congrats to the team, having a 4.8 rating on trackico is quite huge that's why I was so drawn to read the whitepaper, I haven't finish it yet so I'm just gonna comment on what I've read on your website, so far I'm seeing a potential here, this project is really helpful towards people who have the idea but don't have the capital to create their project, it's nice that with this platform they will be able to reach investors who may be interested with their project. This platform is also helpful towards investors who are looking for the next big thing, it's nice that with this, ideas and passionate devs are easily accessible towards investors who are planning to create something for their business or for their own platform. Its also a huge advantage that by doing normal things, you can actually get something and that's the tokens, I've also read that tokens can help you in getting a job and getting a promotion? Can you please explain further on that?. I think that's just what confuses me with this project but as a whole I really do like this project and I will be on this thread for future updates.
sr. member
Activity: 938
Merit: 251
The fact that you have done your homework in making sure that your token is not defined as security make your project even more attractive to start with. If you can now deliver on your product and service with a deadline, we are going to see a verysure rise in value of your token in a short term!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I just want to confirm something regarding this. Since you mentioned that you can purchase goods with a discount, would you be partnering with any industry?

a tool in Popultrade will allow to sell and buy items from ideas and businesses, there will also be an affiliate program so other internet shops will be able to sell via this tool, those activities will be rewarded by PCP
sr. member
Activity: 672
Merit: 251
Nice looks. This can give space people to realize ideas. You have bounty?
This is PopulTrade's bounty campaign:
It's a new start, not late to join the token receiver.
It's very good way to promote a project with some bounties, I'll take my part on social media campaign. I hope there will be more participant which want to be participate on this campaign.
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