- Dev is complete unknown (new user)
- All escrow options all rejected (multiple requests by several people); no clear reasons why; dev now just ignores the subject
- IPO has no predefined end date; it will "be ceased at any time without pre-notice so as to prevent sending at the last time" (which instills a sense of urgency in potential investors, i.e rash decisions)
- Dev has stated he will invest (== send himself money in exchange for coins) but hasn't said how much; there are bounties and giveaways (from "an anonymous donor") but no breakdown of how much of STC are giveaways/bounties and how much are IPO
Current status - Development:
- Dev released Storagecoin source code, but never mentioned that it is 100% copied from an open source project (Siacoin) with minor cosmetic changes
- No description of how Storagecoin works, except a rehash of the Siacoin description. Again, no mention that the description is Siacoin.
- Regularly says bitbucket has been updated, but actually has only one initial commit
- Progress of Storagecoin was defined as "Whole frame code (90%)", "Network code (80%)", "One button client (0%)", "Forum and wiki(0%)", but code is 100% copied from Siacoin with only cosmetic changes
Does that just about sum it up?
1. Reject(Ignore) all the escrow request
2.No mention that all the code and description are copied from Siacoin