Form Rehab Request A web form is now avaialbe for requesting Fund Rehabilitation. the aim to distribute KARPELES between Mtgox and cryptorush affected, was are going to collect some data in order to verify each request according Court proofs, blockchain analysis, forensics and all data provided by affected.
Rehab will start 1st Jun 00:00, and will be distribuited 10 KAR per 1 BTC lost or stolen. Select if you prefer manual or automatic rehabilitation. A REHAB CODE will be provided at end, save in a secure location for later.
REHAByY4hfY3tFnH7BIDFB13FFeel free to apply.
Regards and good luck
Meaning of Fields:
Name, Last Name are not required, as are sensible/private info
BTC Address (* required) is an BTC address that your control its private keys and meaningful to point out amount to refund. It can be an usual address used for withdrawals or deposits. This address will be used for automatic Fund Rehabilitation if this option is selected.
Check bitcointalk thread for more details about the role of this field amount (* required) Amount claimed to be lost by MtGox
Type of Rehab (* required) Ckeck automatic of you prefer automatic Fund Rehablitation to BTC address. Otherwise, manual.
KAR Address (* required if selected automatic=YES) KAR Address for Fund Rehabilitation when 'manual' Rehabilitation selected.
Screenshot #N Uri to meaningful screenshot for supporting the request.
Email (* required) email to contact if neeed.
bitcointalk user bitcointalk user to contact if neeed.