How are you gonna deal with MtGox refunds? I had 0.1BTC there, which equals to 1KAR. How do I prove I had 0.1BTC on MtGox, though, since the site is down?
Hi, is running up just now, it seems are beeing continouslu DDoS-ed
KarpelesCoin shares the same addressing scheme than BTC. So, there is 2 scenarios, depending on if MtGox(cryptorush) affected controls the BTC address from/to which affected performs deposits/withdrawals to/from MtGox:
1) Affected controls usual deposit/withdrawal addresses.
This is the address from which or to which affected performs deposits or does withdrawals to MtGox (or cryptorush), depending on the case. In this case, court proofs, forensic data, blockchain analysis etc will pointed out your BTC lost and we will do automatically the Fund Rehabliltation, sending the BTC amount x 10 KARs to address proved to be affected by tx-maleability negligence.
2) Affected doesnt control withdrawal/deposit addresses :
In this case, we are going to deploy a form in in a few days in order to collect Rehab Requests. Info required:
BTC address (* required):
1) withdrawal address: address which you hoped to receive your withdrawal from Mtgox/cryptorush wallet and was affected by tx-id maleability incompetence.
2) deposit address: address from which you sent a BTC deposit to Mtgox/cryptorush wallet, and Mtgox lost in tx-malleability, bad practice or delictive managament of funds.
amount (* required) : BTC amount claimed to be stolen by MtGox (or cryptorush)
type of Rehab: automatic or manual (* required):
If automatic Rehab selected, Court proofs, blockchain analysis, foresincs data etc will point out your BTC lost. In this case, Rehab will be automtically from 1st of June, as soon as Court proofs or sentence be available.
Otherwise, you must to submit a Manual Rehab address.
Manual Rehab Address (* required if manual rehab)[/b]: if you have not got the control of the BTC address interacting with Mtgox (cryptorysh) or you preffer manual rehab, you can submit another KAR address for Fund Rehab.
Screenshots and other proofs: you may submitt and it is recommended, screenshots of MTgox/crytprosh showing BTC address, blalances etc.Please, dont submit sensislbe/personal info.
contact email (* required) : email to contact if required.
Feel free for makeing questions, comments or suggestions.