new wallet is not syncing for me.
- windows
- not my first wallet upgrade but very frustrating non the less
- backed up wallet.dat
- installed new wallet
- deleted roaming files(although not really necessary because of name change)
- pasted wallet.dat in new roaming files
wallet opens and shows history but does not connect to network.
good job with the trying to moving the coin forward. To be honest I had given up on Karma myself but someone on the Poloniex site in the troll box re-sparked my interest enough to read about the changes.
Been mining again and have a couple million on pool site but cant move with broken wallet.
same here, not syncing and it's already more than 24 hours.
Tried at 2 pcs, one with win 7 no conf and another one win 8.1 with conf.
Checked the log and all the connection to the nodes are "time out".
Anybody have same problem ?
Same here as I haven't been able find an active node since I decided to retrieve some freshly purchased karma yesterday evening (5/5) using the latest Karma-v0. Windows wallet on Win7, 32bit. Also unsucessfully tried adding "addnode=" entries in karma.conf from two old postings (one in the the original bitcointalk thread and another in the cryptocointalk forum) with debug.log showing time-outs and lastseen=70-100 mins for all entries. Presumeably other nodes are syncing therefore if anyone could share a few active nodes to add to karma.conf (which I believe was renamed from karmacoin.conf). that would be greatly appreciated.
On another note, Greetings ALL, this is my first bitcointalk posting. Doing good with Karma really resonates and there's a cause close to home I'd like to consider funding. Hopefully I can get my wallet syncing to retrieve my karma and possibly participate in Karmashares which I understand needs to be funded from a private wallet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome. You should subscribe on reddit subforums. There a different kind of activity there.
as far as not synching. can you all try to add these nodes and tell me if you were able to connect?
post back here if you need help adding them to the config file
now that i think about it. it could be your problems with firewalls. most likely window firewall prevents certain port numbers to recieve information. Here is that you should do.
manually edit the karma's .conf file
1. go to \AppData\Roaming\karmacoin folder
2. in there you should see a config file. if you do, just edit to with the info below
3. this is adding a new configuration file. what you do is you open a new text file. (right click--new--"text document")
you open this with a text editor. most likely notepad.
make sure there is nothing in the document. then add all these lines
4. all the red color text are options you can change . the blue color port number is the text you need to choose from : 8800's - 9999. You chose a port number that you will not use it by other devices and more importantly by other coins.
for expample karma port : 9755 , bitcoin port : 9788 , litecoin port: 8867 etc.
5. then save the document as karmacoin.conf and make sure our select from the drop down menu of "save type as" : All files(*). this is important. this will save the file as config file and not as a text file. if you see "karmacoin.conf.txt" file = bad if you see "karmacoin.conf" file = good
6. close the wallet if it was opened an then open it again.
Most likely why some of you are not syncing is because the port the wallet is trying to use is above the range i mention in step 4 and window firewall is preventing your computer from receiving any outside data. you prevent this by using a port range between 8000's - 9000's
Hopefully this should do the trick