everyone please be advised that you cannot go onto other coin threads and "advertise" your coin in any way.
of anyone comes to the Karma thread to talk down Karma and talk up their own coin you can report it to the moderators and it will get them banned from using this site for 3 days.
The funny thing is I too got "moderated" just for giving you a +1 on that post so I can tell you it wasn't me...
As far as I am concerned you are more than welcome to have RESPECTFUL discourse with people -- and that can absolutely include contrary opinions to the masses.
I'm not afraid to say (or hear) that the emperor has no clothes.
wow is this the post of yours that got deleted and you accused people here? because "+1" post get deleted all the times from alt-mods in this section. Including posts that advertise pools , services and wallet posting. it regular mods who go around and delete this post as they are trying to keep this section spam free.
my "+1" or anything else that is short and does not add anything gets deleted as well. Well some of them. I think it is random/when ever the mod is active and checks people post.
No I mean my +1 got deleted from the Givecoin message thread....I have a screen shot of the other message of substance that got deleted from this thread...
WHY do you have such are hard time starting from a "assume good intentions" position ??