What is Karmacoin?Karmacoin is a new way to show your family, friends, and others that you appreciate them. Think of it as a "Like" button that you can take anywhere. It's a P2P currency, like Bitcoin. You can use it to share with those you care about. We call it Give+Karma, because when you do good, good comes back to you.
You can think of Karmacoin as another way to say thanks. When you Give+Karma you're sharing your experience in a community where the little things matter. Random acts of kindness, caring about what others have to say, showing appreciation, being happy, doing good things, and enjoying life. It's the little things that count. And that's why we developed Karmacoin.
We're currently expanding our cause not just around the internet but around the world. We shared a summary of our business plan and project schedule with our community so that everyone knows what we're up to. Our goal is to become the #1 way for people to reward others, and be rewarded themselves. Karmacoin can be thought of as an incentive for more people to:
- do good things
- be kind towards others
- express thanks
- donate to groups that are doing good things
- help people in need
Our vision is a world where hundreds of millions of people around the world use Karmacoin everyday.
The Karmacoin VisionWe believe that the micro-transaction economy is based on kindness, sharing, small donations, microloans, tipping, and the little things that can make life wonderful and people feel appreciated, including:
- Online tips to other internet users who deserve a little recognition
- Tipping helpful service people offline and online
- Paying for your co-workers cup of coffee in the morning
- Kids receiving small amounts of money, or even allowance
- Being able to trade a few hours of your professional time for Karmacoin that are then donated to your favorite cause on KarmaTrade.me (coming soon)
- Independent artists being paid more money by receiving more payments from more people
- Paying 30% less for a song because Karmacoin makes transaction fees nearly non-existent.
- Lending a stranger $10 worth of Karma, knowing that he's got a good reputation with others at the future Karmacoin microloan site, KarmaPay.me
- Helping someone out with bus fare to get to their first job interview at Karmashare.me or sharing a story about how someone helped you when you needed it most
- Being able to easily accept small payments from friends, family, co-workers, or customers
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