I don't think you would know a great investment if it bit you in the ass.
Short term ( why do you even care?? ) KMD is actually trading at its ATH in terms of fiat.
Long term as distributed exchange becomes the predominant mode for moving funds in crypto, we will be the center of the trading hub with BarterDEX.
If you put as much "research" into atomic swap as claimed you did reading about our lead dev, then you would not be so ignorant to actually tell people not to invest in this project. Really dude, what is your motive in the first place, did you bother to actually ask James about any of the shit you regurgitated? How, exactly, does not knowing one developer's identity harm the investors? Do you not value your privacy?
Calling jl777 untrustworthy is pretty low. This morning I witnessed him save a few tens of thousands of dollars of another fellow KMD investor that were at risk of being traded away due to a typing error. Benji75 I'm sorry but you just don't know the first thing about trust.
first dont say what I didn't. I never called JL777 himself untrustworthy, I said there is a lack of trust between investors and KMD in general, they hide their ID and dont communicate clearly their roadmap, not asking about specific dates but I dont know what is going on at all , how many people are working on each project, their structuration and the workforce allocated for each of their project, none of that is clear, it is a mess.
In the real world, top tier companies have full transparency report about it.
Again stop with your shitty comparison in terms of fiat, if btc crash you crash, if btc goes up you also crash, kmd has to get a better return in btc over time or it is just not worthy to put a dime on it
Right now the btc/kmd trend is downward, This project huge but what will make the diff is how they present themselves to the world.
Any logical mind would not invest in a project where people conceal their ID and do not disclose date ahead, not worth the time and the hassle since you are better off going o casino and gamble.
Now for the people willing to dig go into their slack ask question to fully understand the scope of this project is like 1 people out of 1000000 going this far, most of us are reading their website and their social media channel of communication , and it is in pretty bad shape compared to some other projects.
I am glad that you are heavily holding bags in kmd but try to have unbiaised and critical view about the project.
Put yourself to the shoes of a new potential investor, why should he sent a cent to kmd, he doesnt know who is their team, he doesnt know when things will happen, when their products will be released, what are their plans for the future and so on, but hey throwing at them a few nice marketing words like atomic swap, zero conf and so on wont do you any good. 90% have no clue what it is, so better explain it in english in a one page (not 30 technical pages that 99% dont give a shit about, no offense here) .
Dont hate me for making a critic, I am just saying out loud what alot of people are thinking.