I see no other SuperNET/Komodo GUI developer being active in this thread.
I think it's good time I should also put some words here.
My Name is Satinder Grewal, and I'm working in GUI implementation of SuperNET project called EasyDEX, a decentralised cryptocurrency exchange. It's a work in progress (good progress I'd say), and continuously in development since last 2+ months.
Official EasyDEX-GUI repo is available at official SuperNET GitHub account:
https://github.com/SuperNETorg/EasyDEX-GUII'm working on number of known issues reported by testers:
https://github.com/SuperNETorg/EasyDEX-GUI/issuesEasyDEX-GUI Milestones:
https://github.com/SuperNETorg/EasyDEX-GUI/milestonesI have been away about 3+ weeks in September and the EasyDEX-GUI work paused for that period of time, else possibly we could be testing decentralised Exchange of crypto currencies through EasyDEX-GUI as it's already working through command line APIs.
I'm still going busy with my day job and other responsibilities and putting daily few hours to EasyDEX-GUI and related work progressing bit by bit, improving, adding new features and fixing bugs as I move forward with GUI development.
With EasyDEX-GUI development that's just me working on it.
The other team is under boogieman's management.
boogieman is referred as a GUI developer, where actually he's managing a whole GUI team of around 3-4 members or so as I understand (I don't have exact numbers, but it's a whole team), who is working on multi currency supporting wallet GUI interface. That's one of it's own kind different GUI implementation project, and is in good hands. I love the GUI interface made by Anton Leogky (supersetslack://@antonleogky) and the rest of the team turning it to working HTML wallet. Almost every day boogieman updates his team's work in SuperNET Slack.
I'm not sure how many of you here are in SuperNET Slack, but most of the juicy information and updates can be ONLY found in SuperNET Slack channels. If you are really keen to know about Komodo, SuperNET and it's GUI updates I encourage you to join SuperNET Slack. It's the best place to be updated with development, and getting ready for testing Komodo tech.
If you ask me how far away we are from having a working GUI for SuperNET/Komodo, then it depends on various things.
-How much APIs are already done which are needed to make GUI? which is in this case ALL!
-How much APIs are working perfect and need bug fixing or performance enhancements to have a stable, flawless, fast, reliable, friendly user GUI? Some I guess, which I work on with James reporting any such found issues and waiting for his super quick response on them. Despite being so busy with all other work, James has always been very quick to bug fix responses.
-How many GUI related bugs needs fixing? that's some amount. I or any other GUI devs are doing our best to move things as fast as we can.
-Can we use parts of the GUI made? How much? yes! of course you can use the GUI so far made. It's open source. Already out there in public on Github repository ever since it started in development. But, only the parts of it. It's not perfect, and not yet GrandPa ready.
Also be warned that it's totally experimental code and subject to change a lot as we move forward with the Project.
Not sure what else I can add to this post. So, may be next update some other time.