My LCC wallet only connects to one peer and then after it reaches 5.5% sync; it looses the 1 peer and has 0 peer and then nothing happens. It is just stuck at this point.
The last two lines in my log are below
2018-02-26 12:13:34 29 addresses found from DNS seeds
2018-02-26 12:13:34 dnsseed thread exit
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the easiest way to sync my LCC wallet was to download the 8.5 GB bootstrap.DAT file from the LCC website, .
The torrent downloaded within 15 minutes.
Unzip and extract the bootstrap.dat into your LCC data directory.
For Windows users, the default data directory is: C:\Users\YOUR-USER-NAME\AppData\Roaming\LitecoinCash.
For Mac Users, the default directory is: ~/Library/Application Support/litecoincash.
Restart your LCC wallet. It will start syncing in a few minutes. It took 2.5 hours for the sync to complete on my sad slow laptop. .
You can delete the bootstrap.dat file after you are completely sync'd (I just left the bootstrap.dat file ).
Now sync'd you will be able to claim your LCC.
Good luck! Hope this helps.