STOP spaming here man and go to
No one will sell you at .12 when price at market is 18/21
Get lost plz and buy like a Man at
Lol please stop trying to keep prices high when the real value is lower
7000 kh/s gives 2 million Leaf every day. 7000 kh/s with doge which is the most profitable coin gives 60134 Doge which is equal to 0.0986 BTC. So obviously the price should be 0.05 BTC / Million but i'm being very generous here and offer 0.12 BTC instead.
Some people have problems with so this is an opportunity for all of them.
Maybe with old difficulty, have you seen it? Just get off here. If the value is lower, then you don't think it will succeed. Then what? Why are you buying this coin? LOL You are contradicting yourself or just want to buy @12 to instadump at @20, please don't sell your coin so cheap people