I am thinking this should be the coin logo. The torch is a universal and everyone understands what it symbolizes. Since it is a global currency we should refrain from making it too "Amercianized".
Really like it! I think the chalice should be GOLD. A silver hand holding a gold torch which burns the flame of liberty.
One last thing - I really think having the name ' L I B E R T Y C O I N ' stretched around the rim on the top would seal the deal (or in a circle all the way around the coin). To affect large populations you want to work at the subconscious/unconscious level marketing-wise ... meaning Libertycoin should have the look and feel of the Liberty Dollar. Consider that the physical Liberty Dollar is something already DESIRABLE and collectible, therefore people will IMMEDIATELY identify with wanting to own them. This logo is already far enough removed from being Americanized IMO, so I would be using this to Libertycoin's advantage:)