The other 3 pools are p2p, so it doesn't surprise me there isn't much hash rate on this coin.
What's up with LimeCoin Pool, there is no cash out, how do I get my coins out ? I can understand why there isn't much hash.
Our current site does not have a manual payout option. Everything is auto, based on very low thresholds. Add your wallet address into your profile and your coins will be paid very regularly.
Having said that.... We did have an issue yesterday with the payout script so you might have seen some issues.
And also....... we will be launching the new version of our site very soon, hopefully later today, which will have a manual payout option.
Hopefully that will reassure you enough to come back and mine with us
Hello it might be fixed for everybody else , but it's not for me, it's set at 5 lim and it can't be changed, also I have 1500 in there and no way to get it out, my payout addy is good , there is no manual payout if I had seen that b4 I joined I would never have mined here.
Some kind of bad joke pool, keep mining but can't get your coins out ?
Your addy is not good. You have the wrong LimeCoin.
Before you bad mouth us to everyone please get your own shit together first.
It's my polo limecoin addy, or is LCL lol , no it isn't
Is this a different limecoin because I have only seen one