The game I am working on is relatively easy to build (at least that's what I am suspecting): reasons are twofold:
1.: The game itself should be more about people interacting with each other, not necessarily through gameplay, but also outside of the game. It is supposed to be more a game of politics, if you will.
2.: This game is meant to be a proof of concept. As you can read in the linked thread, there are ideas how to create a bigger and more complex game, but at this point, I want to create a game, that is easy to understand and play to get the ball rolling.
As stated, I have no capacities to make it a reality, so I would greatly appreciate any help.
i have given it a fairly quick scan read and will read more after i post this. i would like to see this developed , the aspects you bring into it are really interesting and would be incredibly fun to play around with , it is complex in the whole political and subjective area of people and appeasement as a leader , or warring against other worlds .
i can see what you were saying about the fun aspect being over the financial incentive , My idea is more economically centered but mainly because i want to make a economy that mirrors reality and a game that mirrors reality in most economical aspects , which is why i am attempting to hopefully build a 90%+ free market economy that rules over the game . It might seem like it is only about the economy at first glance but the gameplay and fun aspect will be intertwined into it , it definitely needs to be fun , but i think the economical aspect allows for a more realistic and mutually beneficial to all players game
for a example
"gym leaders" most likely will not be called that for obvious reasons but to it can be explained in a term that most people undrstand.
they will be limited to 1 per "town" of people , the will be a torny every week or month which you can enter to become the gym leader , this earns you money the more people you fight .
This gives incentive for people to want to become the gym leader in their own town, this then leads to the creatures or monsters having their own value, because monsters allow you to win , which earns you money which is an incentive , so there is an active market created for monsters because they have income earning potential from owning them.
with breeding , this will like your game be connected to the blockchain or a certain period of time , from the birds and the bee's up until hatching , so they take time to hatch , there will be an advanced system of genetics in the game, eventually if you were a master breeder , you can eventually manage to breed a grass type monster with a fire type , and over 10-20 generations you have a grass type spitting out fire moves as well.
These advantages lead to people breeding and spending most of their time in game , breeding certain monsters for people who obviously don't have the time to do so and those who wish to battle and get income from fighting instead of breeding .
There will be a energy bar on the monsters , this wont be a severely debilitating feature, it will most likely be : full - starving , or i was thinking bloated - starving , bloated and starving give you - 5% of your skill power and attributes more negative for starving than bloated , being full would be the most efficient and strongest your monster could be . Now for people doing other things in the game , they would most likely leave the creature starving or bloated and go about whatever it is they want to do. But when fighting in any torny or to become a gym leader, they will want to be at absolute tip top shape , having the maximum benefit possible to win the battles they will take on.
This provides an economical incentive for food , it creates a market and a demand for food inside the game and gives the player benefits that allow them to potentially reach higher benefits .
There will be badges or something similar that can be collected , these will be used as entry into a weekly/ monthly torny that has a prize pool that the winner can get . gym leaders are unable to enter this , they already earn money what they are doing anyways.
Now while economically it looks as if its a mess or complicated or purely about money .
what has been created in a natural supply and demand model, not only is there a supply and demand model , but you have reached from the high end of the spectrum of the game I.E proving you are the best , all the way down to simply feeding your monsters and giving them the energy and advantage they need to win. you have created a way for people of all level in many different multiples of areas the ability to play the game , advance in their own unique way they want to play the game and allow them to be rewarded for how high or how much time they put into the game .
you can put a load of money into the game and buy the best monsters and train them up and throw money at the game to hopefully increase your chances of winning cash prizes , or to potentially earn a gym leader role.
or you can put absolutey nothing into the game , slowly over time begin by farming food , providing raw materials for people to build houses or other things in game , buy your own piece of land(which will have their own incentives and advantages that allow the production of value thus furthering economical incentive) perhaps increase your land over time slowly and build a potential farm for higher earnings that hunting down random in the wild foods .
or even begin by capturing as many different monsters as you possibly can and experimenting and honing your skills as a breeder of monsters , learning how to work to your advantage the genetics system and producing monsters that people will wish to buy for that extra advantage in game.
That is just a single example of economical incentive that reaches from the top to the bottom of the game and there will be potentially hundreds more different areas of the game that you can experience and perhaps try to master, Land ownership and prices will always be in flux, like in real life, if you end up being near a population dense area of town with a large amount of people hang out , your land will be more valuable and more people will wish to purchase it .
I think opening up the options in the game will bring the fun, the ability to do hundreds of different things that can earn you money while having fun the more you master it and spend your time doing so will earn you more profit , while the economical incentives and infrastructure will allow it to work and behave like a realistic semi real world economical model