I think it is good that the delegate reward and motivation is getting a good public discussion. I am biased because I want to be a delegate. Because of that bias, I will never say anything negative about those who want to set up nodes that would share their reward with others somehow. Good luck to you.
As for more delegates - 1001 instead of 101, to spread the wealth around - that ain't gonna happen. Lisk has a 10 second blocktime. There is a limit to how many delegates you can coordinate worldwide in 10 seconds, and that number is around 101.
Here is the key point that needs to be at the center of all delegate reward discussions:
TANSTAAFL = There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
TANSTAFFL = The computers that run Lisk have got to be paid for somehow.
If Lisk were a start-up business there would be this huge 500 page IT plan about how many computers to get, and what kind of bandwidth, and what kind of support services to buy, and growth projections, and parts lists, and on and on and on. And oh, yeah, a budget.
Lisk is not a startup business and there is no master IT plan and no budget. We are making this up as we go along and we are less than 90 days in.
Initial indications are Lisk is gong to be a BIG DEAL with LOTS OF GROWTH and LOTS OF TRAFFIC. That means some big-ass computer power in the back room. That's gonna cost big money. Big money in year one, and probably bigger money in year five when the rewards are only 20% of what they are in year one. How much money will be needed to run all these servers and support systems like DDoS firewalls? Nobody knows.
When you are talking about "delegate rewards", you are talking about "how to pay for the Lisk computers".
Max had to make a wild-ass guess on how much resources / Lisk / money to pay for the Lisk computer / delegates. He came up with the "150K Lisk rewards per delegate in year one, tapering down to 30K Lisk in years five and beyond" plan. Will this plan throw too much or too little resources / Lisk / money at the required computers and the people / delegates that run them? Probably. Is this a problem? That depends.
Community, err on the side of paying delegates too much over too little. Paying delegates "too much" means the community may grumble, profit-sharing delegates are voted in, and Lisk continues. Paying delegates "too little" means the delegates quit, the computers stop, and Lisk dies.
When you are talking about "delegate rewards", you are talking about "how to pay for the Lisk computers"."
I realize this all to well but whats happening .. is by putting such huge potential rewards on it that we wont have the Best people for the job.
Everyone wants to be a delegate .. people talking about running 10 in a pool style 3 and sharing half of all 3 and ive read a lot more like that .
I would much rather see the Lisk team setup those 101 servers from ICO funds. More secure they wont quit if the price drops to low etc.
The funds collected could all go to marketing or half to marketing and half to holders of lisk I don't care.
But giving 101 spots to random people that have the best potential bullshit story or give the most back is like giving a monkey a loaded gun.
Just look at the elections people don't Vote for someone to make the "world" better they vote for the guy/girl lining their pockets.
Yes it might play out just like that at the beginning but you cannot say for a fact that it will progress like that forever. People over time will prove themselves and they will start to rack up more votes pushing those who do nothing out of the 101.
101 is not a permanent future, the instant someone gets more vote power to beat the 101 spot, they become a forging delegate.
If you weren't so busy guessing what might happen, it would have been better if you would have checked out what has happened on the testnet before you start throwing wild guesses out there.
This thread is over 600 pages, we all have talked about this issue before and those who have been testing it can see that it will work.
It's only guys who come in here every 2-3 weeks that just straight talk shit before trying it out and getting some real results instead of just conjecture.