Please consider unvote the following delegate
+ corsaro: 10% share only
+ tembo: 15% share only
+ mrv: 5% share only
+ redsn0w: 10% share only
+ splatters: 10% share only
All of them are from GDT. GDT is very bad for voters
This is my statistic for 3 months:
Wonder - why there is no payment from
philhellmuth? And just one small payment from
kushed.delegate, vi1son, vrlc92 just added no info so far.
liskpool_com_01 - minimum payout 10 Lisk - not accumulated so far.
liberspirita - works with robinhood - the best pool ever!
Some of pool from top 101 was deleted because I didn't got any Lisk from them:
bitbanksy, densmirnov, nerigal, stellardynamic, punkrock, hagieIf someone has statistic pools who didn't pay but in top 101 send please.
Also in my voting list:
odsejen - just 20% so tink to unvote - works with robinhood - the best pool ever!
Well, I must admit you are the first one here who argue it's votes ! And this is a very good presentation ...
As you, there are some things that are disgusting :
- delegates who pay when balance reaches 5 Lisk or more ! For a small wallet, it's insane;
- delegates who share barely "nothing" - let' say minus 25% for exemple.
I noticed some error :
- Hagie pays via this account : hagie_say_thank_you
- Corsaro pays via this account : corsaro
The others : I don't know. I didn't receive any reward even if I voted them.
In you Excel sheet, just change our reward : we will share 50% ! Not 25%.
At the 1st of October, even if we don't forge, we will give 20% (1 LSK per forged block) to the RobinHood Pool - FROM OUR OWN POCKET !
Then, when we will forge, we will share more to reach 50%.
Indeed, RobinHood is a good pool whatever FUDders say ! Good payout, high reward, excellent for small Lisk holders !