What's the difference between Lisk Cash Tech Dev Fund ($M USD): 5.793 and Lisk Market Cap ($M USD): 7.516 ?
Why dev have 2 $M less?
The Technology Development Fund ($5.793M) is the raw cash value of the 14,079 donated BTC. This money will fund further code development of Lisk. In return for this donation of 14,079 BTC, the BTC donors will split among themselves around 77M Lisk.
The Market Cap includes:
the cash Tech Dev Fund
+ 15.00M Lisk (worth 2740 BTC) held back by Lisk Foundation for founder rewards and future payments / bounties
+ 5.75M Lisk (worth 1049 BTC) distributed to former Cryptti XCR holders as "payment" for the Version 0.5.5 code base Lisk will use at launch
+ 2.17M Lisk (worth 397 BTC) that were handed out as early donation bonuses.
The difference between the cash Tech Dev Fund and Market Cap are effectively additional payments for Management Fee / Infrastructure / Advertising expenses as a 23% overhead rate.