Ripple: 72,289 BTC - 676,227 BTC Market Cap - 835% increase (8.25 btc)
Ethereum: 31,531 BTC - 2,462,284 BTC Market Cap - 7709% increase (77.09 btc)
Maidsafe: 12,200 BTC - 104,696 BTC Market Cap - 758% increase (7.58 btc)
Lisk: 7400 BTC + 65M XCR
Stellar: 7,228 BTC - 27,803 BTC Market Cap - 284% increase (2.84 btc)
Bitshares: 6829 BTC - 38,981 BTC Market Cap - 470% increase (4.7 btc)
Factom: 2287 BTC - 43,194 BTC Market Cap - 1788% increase (17.88 btc)
what is the XCR as a % of the total?
65%, there is 100M XCR total
sorry, i mean the ratio between XCR and BTC ventured to Lisk thus far as %. what % of the Lisk fund is XCR?
Lisk are changed with a fixed ratio of 1300 satoshi each so 65 million will be around 845 btc atm.
Total amount of XCR was 100 million so there might be more comming in.
great. thanks.
so atm 7400 btc and xcr expressed as 845 btc - ratio 8.75/ 1. not a bad ratio. makes the right to receive an xcr refund less of a potential issue going forward.