There will be a wallet after launch.
So if I lose my phone I'm screwed?
Or is there a way to get the key?
You would need to contact us on and provide us as much information about your exchanges (transaction ID, exchange ID, currencies, amounts..) as possible.
No, although it's a GREAT technology it wasn't suitable for our needs.
What is the "Lisk Asset Group"? Please get in contact with me (PM->Skype)! I'm extremely interested into what you guys want to achieve.
We are forwarding all the findings to the police authorities in Germany and to the Interpol.
We advise everyone to request refunds for your investments in this IPO to avoid having funds frozen by Coinbase or by the authorities.
If this is not a stupid troll attempt, which I think it is. Please get in contact with me as well. I would like to hear those "shattering information".