It is ALL of our jobs and the marketing department to constantly email eBay and OTHERS to also choose BTX.
I think there is an additional option - facebook advertisements.
this may be wacky - i'm not sure yet. it's just an idea I had floating around this morning with my morning coffee. I've had a little experience creating facebook ads for my band, targeting people interested in licensing music. I could do the same, except having ads for BTX, and targeting cryptocurrency enthusiasts and people interested in bitcoin.
of course, those ads cost money, but not as much as you might think. for my ads, I would pay 21 dollars for an ad to run for an entire week. after some experimentation on the format of the ad and the specification of the target audience, I was able to get about 21 clicks (or rather one click per dollar) on the ad. I'm not sure that I would be able to get the same rate when marketing BTX, but let's assume for the sake of argument that I could get the same rate.
when they click on the ad for the band, they get taken to a landing page I wrote for the band, hosted on my band's website. in there I have a facebook pixel which lets you track how many clicks you got within the ad (for example, I could add a link to on an equivalent BTX landing page, and of the people who clicked on the ad to get to the landing page, the pixel would tell me how many actually went on to click on that link). I would have other links as well. Someone clicking on the markets page from coinmarketcap doesn't of course tell me that they went on to buy BTX, but at least it sets a lower bound on how many people might have.
at the time that I am writing this, BTX is selling for about $18. What if I published my public BTX address in a follow-up post? I would contribute the equivalent of 1 BTX myself to paying for the ad, and if anyone else wanted to help, they could transfer BTX to my account, and I would then include that amount in the amount I pay for the ad. The more you pay for a facebook ad, the more people it reaches within your target audience.
now I know this sounds like a scam - what's to stop me for example from never putting out the facebook ad and just taking your BTX ? i'm still thinking about how to provide some sort of safeguard so that you feel comfortable taking a chance and contributing 1 BTX, or a fraction thereof. there is some risk for me in doing this, but also potentially some reward. The risk would be if BTX goes down after the ad goes out. let's say I had 9 people pay 1 BTX each into my public account. I would add my one BTX, which would be 10 BTX. assuming the current price, I would pay $180 to facebook out of my own bank account, and hold onto the BTX in my btx account. I would end up losing money since I would be out $180 and the additional BTX would end up being worth less than that, if the price declined. On the other hand, if the BTX eventually rose, then I would gain, since I would still be holding onto the BTX that people contributed. That would be the way that I would get paid for the effort of making the facebook ad, landing page, etc. and putting it out there. The other risk is that I don't have an unlimited amount of funds in my traditional bank account, so if people really liked the idea and trusted me, they might contribute more BTX than I am willing to convert into dollars and deduct from my bank account when paying facebook. (I wouldn't actually sell the BTX through coindesk or wherever to get the USD with which to pay facebook, I would instead hold onto them, since I want the value to eventually go up; and I would avoid fees that way). I suppose I could limit the amount in a later post saying "ok don't contribute any more" but someone may of course read the earlier post which contained my public BTX address and end up contributing.
the benefit to the other people on this list for me doing this is that it would be an easy way for you to put some effort into marketing BTX, which would help all of us since we all own the coin.
if i did make such an ad, then after the ad completes its run at the end of a week, i would make reports from the facebook pixel showing how many clicks the ad actually got, how many people saw the ad in total regardless of whether they clicked on it (i.e. the "reach"), how many people actually clicked somewhere within the ad and where, etc. and then publish them to this thread.
would this be worth it in terms of increasing awareness of the coin? i'm not sure. The "reach" that i get for doing the band's ads ends up being on average between 600 and 700 if my strategy when making the FB ad is "conversions", with a cost of 21 dollars. "impressions" are the total number of times the ad was served which could be multiple times for each person, so i consider "reach" to be a much more meaningful metric than "impressions". these values of course depend a lot on how the ad looks and the types of people that i've targeted. I've done one ad in which the strategy when making FB ad was "post engagement" - there the reach was much higher, at 1,130 people (one thousand plus people) for 21 dollars, but the audience i targeted was very different, and the resulting clicks per person was much lower. If awareness in and of itself is considered valuable, as opposed to people actually clicking on the ad, then going by "post engagement" may be the way to go, because even if someone doesn't click on it to learn more and actually end up buying the coin, they might see the ad and then check out BTX themselves without deciding to actually clicking the ad.
facebook only allows one pixel per account, so i would have to have the ad "sponsored" by my band's business page (to which the pixel is tied), and for the landing page i would also put that on my band's domain. also if i end up trying this, i would probably wait until after the new year since i will be out of town coming up here pretty shortly, and i'd rather be available during the week in which the ad ran.
let me know if you all have any thoughts on problems with this idea or any other related thoughts. thanks!