in for the tech rite `?
What tech? Copied BTC code with increased blocksize and decreased blocktime? Big deal.
implementation of both SegWit and compatibility with the Lightning Network 4.5 months earlier than BTC could only happen if that tech was done by the bitcore team and not the bitcoin team, unless the BTX team has figured out how to travel backwards in time. For the "4.5 months earlier" source see their whitepaper, p.11, 14-15
the retargeting algorithm is different and unique to BTX ( "Core Shield 64_15" ). this solves a difficulty that BTC has with unpredictability of blocktime which occurs when miners switch rapidly between bitcoin and bitcoin forks in a search for higher rewards. You can read about this in their whitepaper, p.12
BTX also has Bloom Filters activated. This helps reduce the space needed to hold a full blockchain node, which means that more people can participate in the network. See the whitepaper, p.4.
you can access the whitepaper here : (what's up with the "resources-placeholder-dummy" in the URL? odd.)
the mining algorithm is different - bitcore uses TimeTravel10, which provides ASIC-resistancy while allowing GPU mining. BTC is not ASIC-resistant. ASIC resistancy helps to reduce centralization of miners - see and for more info.
the work required to do all of this means that there is more to the implementation of BTX than a copy-and-paste of BTC with minor size configurations.