I think there is a confusion btween the people included me about the BTC holders on 2nd of november.
So is it 1 Btc for 0,5 Btx or %50 in Btx of the value of 1 Btc( example 1 Btc $5500= $2750 in Btx) ?
I still think that is the second option... Can somebody confirm?
Thank you!
Option 1. 1BTC=0.5BTX
The other one would be nealry impossible.
Isn't it better to exchange a few bitcoins for 100BTX and get the 25% airdrop on it? 0.5btx on 1btc isn't a good deal.
Bitcoin is expensive, who want to hold 1 units BTC and get 0.50 BTX?
Might as well buy 6000$ worth of BTX and get the special airdrop on it?
That's my point
. Everyone is concerned about exposing the private keys for 50% airdrop! Don't do it if you can't trust it! Why get $3-$5 on $6000 worth of a bitcoin
BTC. It's better to buy or exchange BTC
BTC for BTX and then get special airdrop!
You can get about 600BTX for 1
Which means:600
BTX X 25% AIRDROP = 150
The compounding airdrops after that will really add up here, an 11 million market cap for BTX is still ridiculously low for the total coin supply... I imagine we're going to hit $50+... if you hold 100BTX right now when the 25% hits... and then hold then for a full year... you'll have over 12,000 BTX .... thats over $100,000.00 at todays prices... $600,000.00 at $50
I sure hope you pay someone to do your taxes. Don’t know where your getting 12,000 BTX from 100 BTX based on airdrops. There isn’t a chance in hell your gaining 12,000 percent on airdrops that start at 3% and increase by 1% each month.
I half assed it when figuring it out and went all the way to 15%, its not rocket science though man:
- 3% - 100 ÷ 3% = 33.3333
Week #1 (100 BTX Starting balance + 25% special airdrop): 125 BTX
Week #2: 125 + 3.75000375 = 128.75000375 BTX
Week #3: 128.75000375 + 3.86250397 = 132.61250777 BTX
Week #4: 132.61250777 + 3.97837921 = 136.59088693 BTX
- 4% - 100 ÷ 4% = 25
Week #5: 136.59088693 + 5.46363547 = 142.05452241 BTX
Week #6: 142.05452241 + 5.68218089 = 147.73670330 BTX
Week #7: 147.73670330 + 5.90946813 = 153.64617144 BTX
Week #8: 153.64617144 + 6.14584685 = 159.79201829 BTX
- 5% - 100 ÷ 5% = 20
Week #9: 159.79201829 + 7.98960091 = 167.78161921 BTX
Week #10: 167.78161921 + 8.38908096 = 176.17070010 BTX
Week #11: 176.17070010 + 8.80853500 = 184.97923518 BTX
Week #12: 184.97923518 + 9.24896175 = 194.22819694 BTX
Assuming the percentage goes up every 4 weeks, here is the airdrop expectation for a year starting with 100 coins...
In [133]: percent = 0.03
In [134]: week = 1
In [135]: coins = 100
In [136]: while week <= 52:
.....: airdrop = coins*percent
.....: newcoins = coins + airdrop
.....: print "Week ", week, percent, coins, " + ", airdrop, " = ", newcoins
.....: coins = newcoins
.....: if week % 4 == 0:
.....: percent = percent + 0.01
.....: week += 1
.....: coins = newcoins
Week 1 0.03 100 + 3.0 = 103.0
Week 2 0.03 103.0 + 3.09 = 106.09
Week 3 0.03 106.09 + 3.1827 = 109.2727
Week 4 0.03 109.2727 + 3.278181 = 112.550881
Week 5 0.04 112.550881 + 4.50203524 = 117.05291624
Week 6 0.04 117.05291624 + 4.6821166496 = 121.73503289
Week 7 0.04 121.73503289 + 4.86940131558 = 126.604434205
Week 8 0.04 126.604434205 + 5.06417736821 = 131.668611573
Week 9 0.05 131.668611573 + 6.58343057867 = 138.252042152
Week 10 0.05 138.252042152 + 6.9126021076 = 145.16464426
Week 11 0.05 145.16464426 + 7.25823221298 = 152.422876473
Week 12 0.05 152.422876473 + 7.62114382363 = 160.044020296
Week 13 0.06 160.044020296 + 9.60264121778 = 169.646661514
Week 14 0.06 169.646661514 + 10.1787996908 = 179.825461205
Week 15 0.06 179.825461205 + 10.7895276723 = 190.614988877
Week 16 0.06 190.614988877 + 11.4368993326 = 202.05188821
Week 17 0.07 202.05188821 + 14.1436321747 = 216.195520385
Week 18 0.07 216.195520385 + 15.1336864269 = 231.329206811
Week 19 0.07 231.329206811 + 16.1930444768 = 247.522251288
Week 20 0.07 247.522251288 + 17.3265575902 = 264.848808878
Week 21 0.08 264.848808878 + 21.1879047103 = 286.036713589
Week 22 0.08 286.036713589 + 22.8829370871 = 308.919650676
Week 23 0.08 308.919650676 + 24.7135720541 = 333.63322273
Week 24 0.08 333.63322273 + 26.6906578184 = 360.323880548
Week 25 0.09 360.323880548 + 32.4291492493 = 392.753029798
Week 26 0.09 392.753029798 + 35.3477726818 = 428.100802479
Week 27 0.09 428.100802479 + 38.5290722231 = 466.629874702
Week 28 0.09 466.629874702 + 41.9966887232 = 508.626563426
Week 29 0.1 508.626563426 + 50.8626563426 = 559.489219768
Week 30 0.1 559.489219768 + 55.9489219768 = 615.438141745
Week 31 0.1 615.438141745 + 61.5438141745 = 676.98195592
Week 32 0.1 676.98195592 + 67.698195592 = 744.680151512
Week 33 0.11 744.680151512 + 81.9148166663 = 826.594968178
Week 34 0.11 826.594968178 + 90.9254464996 = 917.520414677
Week 35 0.11 917.520414677 + 100.927245615 = 1018.44766029
Week 36 0.11 1018.44766029 + 112.029242632 = 1130.47690292
Week 37 0.12 1130.47690292 + 135.657228351 = 1266.13413127
Week 38 0.12 1266.13413127 + 151.936095753 = 1418.07022703
Week 39 0.12 1418.07022703 + 170.168427243 = 1588.23865427
Week 40 0.12 1588.23865427 + 190.588638513 = 1778.82729278
Week 41 0.13 1778.82729278 + 231.247548062 = 2010.07484085
Week 42 0.13 2010.07484085 + 261.30972931 = 2271.38457016
Week 43 0.13 2271.38457016 + 295.27999412 = 2566.66456428
Week 44 0.13 2566.66456428 + 333.666393356 = 2900.33095763
Week 45 0.14 2900.33095763 + 406.046334068 = 3306.3772917
Week 46 0.14 3306.3772917 + 462.892820838 = 3769.27011254
Week 47 0.14 3769.27011254 + 527.697815755 = 4296.96792829
Week 48 0.14 4296.96792829 + 601.575509961 = 4898.54343825
Week 49 0.15 4898.54343825 + 734.781515738 = 5633.32495399
Week 50 0.15 5633.32495399 + 844.998743099 = 6478.32369709
Week 51 0.15 6478.32369709 + 971.748554564 = 7450.07225166
Week 52 0.15 7450.07225166 + 1117.51083775 = 8567.5830894